Canadian Criminal Code § 276(2): "…evidence shall not be adduced by or on behalf of the accused that the complainant has engaged in sexual activity other than the sexual activity that forms the subject-matter of the charge…."
Now let's move on to how rare false accusations are (to the extent that can be demonstrated).
that a full two-thirds of those acquitted at trial were also guilty, we would still wind up with a situation in which one-sixth of those actually tried are really innocent." 33 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 952.
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Defendants are innocent until demonstrated guilty because it is difficult to demonstrate innocence.
"Abolition [of the reasonable mistake to consent defense] would…, by making sex with one's date a riskier business from the man's standpoint, reduce… the incidence of such sex." Richard Posner, Sex and Reason, 394 (1992).
We are already seeing the rise of MGTOW and the Pence Rule as a result (and the decline in birthrates).
The legal measures discussed don't reduce the number of rapes (but it does make it harder to demonstrate innocence). Those legal measures don't make society safer; on the contrary, those legal measures make it less safe for innocent men. This must change!