Aug 12th 2019, 7 tweets, 2 min read Read on Twitter
This is a fantastic interview and it should make the Republicans concerned, but these are not the kind of people that democrats should be targeting, and here's why....
This woman is the quintessential never Trumper she didn't vote for him in 2016 but she still chose to write in McCain rather than vote for Hillary Clinton. Which means she'd rather waste her vote than ever support a Democrat
Her husband will never vote for any Democrat under any circumstances no matter what the Centrist Democratic candidates do this is the kind of guy who will always find an excuse to vote against them no matter what.
The daughter is a first-time voter she will actually vote but if she's wavering now and basically says the any nominee who isn't the Centrist she may not vote for them she's not worth much campaign time either.
These people are not swing voters they're best described as weak part isn't. Your best chance and earning their vote is running a very popular candidate who can have a bandwagon effect that attracts other people
Please forgive the bad grammar I'm doing this by voice to text
Too many Democrats in the consultant class think that these people are the difference makers they're not. Any voter that has to struggle between Medicare for all and humanitarian borders versus open white nationalism sexism and an accused rapist in the WH isn't voting democrat
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