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Bernie rallied in 30+ states, did rally after rally for Hillary to beat Trump. He stated prior that he will do everything in his power to stop Trump. There is a letter and video of Hillary personally thanking Bernie.
Do people honestly believe that Bernie wrote an essay on rape? The essay if you read it, highlights gender norms in the 70s.
“Many women seem to be walking a tightrope”
This essay was not about rape.
Look at his record. He was against the Hyde Amendment, supports Planned Parent Hood, and voted for the VAWA. Practically every pro-woman legislation, Bernie has supported.
Even his agenda today puts women’s needs first. With his career long support of choice.
Bernie voted against the Brady Bill multiple times due to the bill having a 7 day waiting period with gun purchases. His republican colleagues wanted to rid the waiting period, he believed that was a federal overreach.
Bernie Sanders has had a consistent D- or lower grading from the NRA (NRA corroborated this). In the rural state of Vermont with practically no gun control, he voted to ban assault weapons.
Bernie has championed on the ban of assault weapons for 30 years.
Bernie voted for legislation that provides immunity for large manufactures of firearms/assault weapons (PLCAA).
As an attorney, if a manufacturer is creating something legally under federal law then it is legal.
Bernie has also stated that if a small gun shop sells guns to someone, knowingly they might cause harm - then they should be investigated and charged.
If you are in a Honda and cross an intersection and get side swiped and injured, you cannot sue Honda.
Hillary supporters in 2016 coined the term “Bernie Bros” to silence the voices of millions of women and POC. Similarly when Clinton ran against Obama, they referred to them as “Obama Boys”
This tactic is used to paint the supporters as misogynistic.
Another popular argument about Bernie is that his base is all white. As a black woman that supports Bernie, this is total crap.
Bernie leads in POC, as well as holding the highest approval rating from them.
Another deeply racist attack set forth by Hillary supporters and carried into 2020.
Stop trying to discredit woman, POC (Latinos, Asians, African) Americans due to disagreement in opinion.
Bernie became a millionaire in 2016 from royalties and sales due to selling a best selling book (Our Revolution) which was a best seller being translated into 5 languages.
His income went back to normal afterwards.
Regardless of Bernie being a millionaire, he has continuously championed for an increase in taxes on the 1% and large profitable corporations.
He’s still one of the least wealthiest popular politicians (Compare: Nancy Pelosi: $80 million).
Bernie has a 1 bedroom condo in Washington (Where he works).
Bernie has a 4 bedroom colonial in Burlington (Ex. mayor, rep, & state senator)
Bernie has a vacation cabin. (Jane inherited a lake house & sold it to buy this)
Bernie’s campaign was the first political campaign to ever unionize. Staff at Bernie’s campaign on salary were working more hours, done the math they were receiving less than $15 a hour.
When his union got together and demanded a raise due to their hours not adding to $15/hr - he immediately cut back hours on them so they would not be receiving less than $15.
They’re provided with amazing healthcare. Unlike other campaigns, they can negotiate.
Bernie served on the Veterans Affairs Committee. Championed for key proposals such as Medicare For All and raising minimum wage for 30 years. Opposed wars such as Vietnam, Afghanistan & Iraq.
Helped write & improve ACA.
Opposed disastrous trade deals such as NAFTA that destroyed jobs. Voted to expand SS & lower drug prices. Wrote the Energy Efficiency Block Grant program Bill.
He has shifted the viewpoint on his proposals from being “radical” to accepted by the majority.
Pelosi: 79 y/o
Bernie: 77 y/o
Biden: 76 y/o
Hillary: 71 y/o
Warren: 70 y/o
Somehow, only Bernie receives these ageist attacks by the MSM. It lacks substance and I rather care about his policies than his arthritis.
(Shout out to @OaktownCogPsy for her anaylsis)

This would be a fair argument if his ideas would not help the majority of working class Americans but they do. They’re also not status-quo policies that white men traditionally push.
Did anyone judge Hillary or Warren on their “whiteness”??
Let’s not stick to identity politics because we lose substance that way. No one practical will solely vote for someone based off their skin color or age but by their message and their policies’ impact on them.
So one more time, judge people on their life’s work.
Abolishing cash bail, ending voter suppression, funding HBCUs, minimum teacher salary $60k, funding of disadvantage schools, Green new deal, expunging records of marijuana, cap bank interest, provide loans to black businesses
Black people are the working class. Bernie’s policies such as child care for all, Medicare for all, raising the minimum wage, expanding social security, ending student debt, and investing in jobs rather than incarceration would help black people tremendously.