Death, Famine, War and Pestilence.
Which is the Pharaonic death-masked, fire-faced, Hathor-crowned and Anubis-faced Mutant, respectively?
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#XSpoilers #HoXPoX
Pestilence (sometimes Plague) described as showy and barbarous, was originally Conquest or Victory, and related to prophecy about conquering empires preceding the Rapture.
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#XSpoilers #HoXPoX
#XSpoilers #HoXPoX
The fire-headed Mutant appears to be modeled on Sekmet as the Horsman of War.
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#XSpoilers #HoXPoX
#XSpoilers #HoXPoX
Surely, the Hathor-Crowned Horseman is Famine.
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There's death-related connections for all these characters' visual representations (in no small part from the nature of Egyptian deities/mythology).
But Anubis is famously Egypt's death God/guide to Necropolis/Duat.
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The War Goddess was also called Nesert, which meant literally, “the Flame,” further supporting the idea this might be Apocalypse’s first Horseman of War.
#XSpoilers #HoXPoX
There’s a reason Moira digs him so much--Apocalypse is feminist!
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If my assessment of which Mutant holds which title is correct, then this image from #MarvelComics1000 shows the First Horsemen in the traditional Biblical Apocalyptic order of Pestilence, War, Famine and Death.
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