Our Facilitators are very adept in the subject of business sustainability.
Join us today as we round up the #SustyMasterClass with these sessions.

• People
• Prosperity
• Planet
• Peace
• Partnerships

2. The #SDGs create an avenue for businesses to form partnerships for better development.

Another example is the negative impact of cargo trucks. They emit toxic gasses and cause a strain on roads. If cargoes were moved to cargo trains which rely on clean
•M- map the activities in the business value chain;
•I- identify the positive and negative impacts of activities in the value chain;
•N- negotiate these impacts with Internal & External Stakeholders;
•D- develop
A business model describes the rationale of how an organisation creates, delivers and captures value. In essence, Why an Organisation is in business?

1. This increases consumer awareness & preference for ethical brands.
2. National & International regulations now require businesses to implement sustainability.
3. Increasing pressure from investors.
1. Reduce dependence on Natural resources
2. Source materials from local producers
3. Serve undeserved communities in an inclusive/equitable manner.
4. Make Environmental and socially friendly products and services.

A: The involvement of the community in the environment where a business operates, make a business sustainable
#SustyMasterclass #FiresideChat with @AdiyaAtuluku and @Olasimbo
This #SustyMasterclass series has been an insightful and engaging knowledge sharing endeavor for us! Big thanks to our participants and facilitators.