Last week, Berkeley Mayor @JesseArreguin ordered police to give $300 tickets to cyclists who failed to come to complete stop on the primary "bike boulevard."
Bike boulevards are supposed to allow bike through-traffic without stops.
After strongly encouraging them not to drive anymore, I rolled down the hill and called the cops.
@berkeleypolice: "Oh that's the Parks, will transfer you"
@ebrpd: "Oh that's Oakland, we might be able to get someone up there but maybe not"
Finally convinced dispatcher to at least take my number.
Probably tired out from giving cyclists crushing, $300 tickets on a bike boulevard.
These are the priorities of our elected leaders (cops work for the Mayor)
Cops ticket cyclists, who've harmed basically no one in Berkeley history; cops can't be bothered to send someone for a drunk driver who has *already crashed into something/someone and is continuing down the road in a broken car*
This is a broken value system.
To fix this, we need new leaders who share our values.
oh don't worry dude, you weren't on a bicycle so it's all good