#Seminar @MIPS_Australia #NanoTech #Science

#PharmSci #DrugDelivery
Liposomal coating is what made it work, improved efficacy, reduced toxicity and improved solubility.
Now using delivery systems for siRNA therapeutics etc.
Bacterial infection treatment is important due to dramatic increase in antibiotic resistance.
Unfortunately investment is smaller than the need is.
However this means that human body knows how to process and excrete. Therefore safe to consume.
Make by etching a silicon wafer, etched electrochemically, turn pore sizes, pores directional in final structure, 10-20nm.
Long lived emission, great to eliminate tissue auto fluorescence, eliminating back ground signals. Called time gated imaging.
Dissolution of shell is equilibrium, so can reform and use as method to help with loading if the drug. Seal the pores up, trapping the drug within.
Targeting peptide is key. In lung infection model goes to the lungs, and vastly improves treatment over free drug, and nanoparticles only.
Trialled using to target the macrophage response to lung bacterial infection, using peptide targeting and fusogenic coating. And gene knock down off this works.
Program Dates: 6 July - 21 August, 2020