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May 20th 2022
Scrutinized many MBA programmes, but seldom do I come across a course which teaches policy
A course titled "#Seminar in Business Policy" should be a capstone model taught to all #MBA Generalists.
Why business schools don't teach such courses as seminars or electives is beyond me?
Like where I have seen Business School Students suffer the most is when it comes to writing down a policy in their relevant area.
So, that is where consultants come in!
That makes matters worse.
Of course, #MBA is a professional qualification.
But, that does not imply professionals should have weak drafting skills.
Hence, for policy manuscripts, organizations turn to academicians or scholar-practitioners.
Business Pedagogics needs re-tooling, reskilling, & re-profiling.
Read 9 tweets
Apr 13th 2021
This Friday April 16 10:30 CET at @canalUGR | We invite you to an #online #seminar with Laura García Álvarez @l_gar_alv on quantum simulations of fermionic models and continuous-variable quantum computation!

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The seminar is hosted by our Statistical Physics Group at the University of Granada. Follow our Youtube channel here:…
Firstly, I will introduce digital-analog and purely digital methods for quantum simulations of fermionic models. The digital-analog approach provides a higher degree of scalability than purely digital or analog techniques, and it is suitable for
Read 8 tweets
Dec 21st 2020
1/x I am logging off for 2020 including from Twitter. Reflecting on a great year for the #EV industry:

1. A global pandemic and economic shutdown couldn't stop the industry. Final numbers TBD but I bet on another year of EV #growth and #ICE decline. Will be watching @rhomotion
2/x The make-up of ownership in the #supplychain continues to change. In lithium, Pilbara/Altura and Tianqi/IGO foreshadow that there is potential for more deals across the full supply chain before prices rise. Will be watching @amiller_bmi for more…
3/x Yes, the #battery #chemicals price spikes will happen - my personal prediction is within the next 18 months. See point #1 - another year of not-enough-investment-in-supply isnt going to make demand easier to meet. Will be watching @CDMRawles for more
Read 14 tweets
Apr 8th 2020
Das erste #digitale #Seminar m. Lebens & dieses Semesters ist beendet. Kombination aus Moodle (m. Arbeitsblättern, einem Online-Test u. ein paar Foren) & Zoom. #Lehre #GeiWi Ich war persönlich sehr zufrieden, was v. a. an d. Disziplin d. Studierenden lag: Bes. wurden Aufgaben /1
nach Zeitplan gelöst & Ergebnisse pünktlich hochgeladen, was ein wenig das A & O sein dürfte. Ob dies im Semesterbetrieb m. vielen parallelen Veranstaltungen klappt? Weiteres Fazit: Arbeitsaufwand scheint mir ggü. Präsenzlehre deutlich erhöht (für alle); Ausstattung der /2
Studierenden kann e. Problem sein, für Videokonferenzen fehlen v. a. Kameras. Bei Stummschaltung d. Mikrofone fragt man sich dann manchmal, ob die TN wirklich da sind. Zugl. generiert auch erhöhte Sichtbarkeit Fragen: Nun sieht man auf einmal, wenn jmd. an e. /3
Read 4 tweets
Feb 24th 2020
dhuan ur gya
L lag gye
gyi bhains pani me
loss ho gya hai
#seminar announce karna parega😁
Read 4 tweets
Sep 11th 2019
"Treatment of Bacterial Infections with Porous Silicon Nanoparticles" by Prof Michael Sailor, University of California, San Diego.
#Seminar @MIPS_Australia #NanoTech #Science
Michael is doing research in using porous silicon particles for drug delivery.
#PharmSci #DrugDelivery
Runs a summer school for teaching people to use silicon nanotechnology.
Read 17 tweets
Nov 20th 2018
Final day of 3-day intl conf on #Sanskrit #SciTech #RFS & #Sahitya @ssusonline
Session 1: Agri & Culinary science
Chair & key paper: Dr B. Padmodaya Sarma

FB…… ImageImageImage
Session 1: Agri & Culinary science
Chair & key paper: Dr B.Padmodaya Sarma, Prof, Dept of Plant Pathology, SV Agri College, Tirupati
Gopika G, Research Scholar #Sanskrit #Sahitya @ssusonline -Agri Mgt in Krși Parāśara

#संस्कृत Image
Session 1: Agri & Culinary science
Chair: Dr B.Padmodaya Sarma (Soil Borne Disease Mgt in Organic Farming)
Nimmy KM, Research Scholar #Sanskrit #Sahitya @ssusonline -Scientific Agricultural Practices in Kāśyapiyakrsisūkti

#RFS Image
Read 19 tweets
Sep 6th 2018
Thread: Have you seen all the fantastic sessions planned for our upcoming Risk Forum?… (1/10)
Dr Claire Taylor from @energiteknikk will present: ‘Looking between the numbers’ at the CRA Risk Forum. She’ll discuss Halden Reactor Project numerical data studies. to register for the forum. #humanperformance (2/10)
@CyberQ_Group Dr Clive Stainton will present: ‘Cyber data and resilience: the good, the bad and the ugly’ at the CRA Risk Forum. He will draw on his 25 years+ experience to discuss #cyber security. Visit: to register. (3/10)
Read 11 tweets

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