When you are taught a skill that which you cannot be gainfully employed then you are set up to fail. In a pastoralist village the community had educational
systems to ensure all young people were gainfully employed when they grew up.
be good hunters. Secondly there was nothing like poorly paid young people.
then you can get a job. The problem is in the capitalistic structure of our economies and in the way our economic model incentivizes people.
better off than those who do not go to university, a study has found. Over 40% of UK graduates fail to land grad-level jobs after University. The study found that 26% of all university graduates in the UK regret the time and money they spent on
countries in the region will continue to face
variety of reasons.
region wide overreliance on the public sector. . Moreover, the countries also suffer from underemployment, as a robust education sector has produced many skilled graduates, but there are few jobs to match their skill sets. Even in developed countries like the UK
on bribes.Even bribes to get jobs. As the jobless suffer through year after year of poor work prospects, they will question the educational, economic and political systems that have endlessly promised solutions yet failed
By Odima Rogers (