I've tried to do a dispassionate analysis of what deal? Its negotiability in Brussels and its saleability in London? Can he thread the needle? 1/thread
- Agree all-Ireland SPS, electricity and travel area...and then
- kick the other (customs VAT etc) into transition/trade talks. /2

- practically zero. Would require massive EU u-turn on 'fully open' border in Ireland, Single market integrity. And to throw Ireland under bus politically.
- A border is a border, even if set back. Tech/exemptions cannot deliver.
Cant see it /3
Maybe? Would 30-40 pro Brexit MPs support such a deal?
Perhaps, but it would open door to Canada Dry (bone dry) FTA for future.
This is MILES from Labour 'worker-friendly' Brexit via Customs Union. AND helps Johnson meet 'do or die' pledge/4
Viz. To bail out a Tory PM, and one as divisive as @BorisJohnson and consign UK to a Brexit that is gonna cause trade disruption and (Unions know) suppress wages to keep UK competitive. /5
- Johnson accepts slice n dice won't work. Agrees off shelf NI-only deal, throws DUP under bus. Gets a few sweeteners on consent etc and claims, at least, that he forced EU to reopen withdrawal agreement. /6

But this deal creates a HARD border in Irish Sea if UK is determined to diverge via trade deals. /8

But it would, at least, be harder to justify 'no deal' to rest of EU if time horizon had gone way out, creating space for gravity to take over /12
- accept slice n dice doesn't fly, but argue that progress on all-Ireland SPS/Agri and other elements has created momentum so Johnson can say he's content that customs/border etc CAN be fixed in trade talks. Backstop still there, but never be needed /16

Pretty thin stuff, I realise. Lipstick on the pig etc...but a deal that cd fly? /17
We are a fair way from squaring #Brexit circle still - even if it its suits both sides not to say so for now 20/ENDS