There's a technical problem, which I'll expand on in a blog post.
But the real issue is that the Bitcoin community is so wound up, so insecure about their system that they cannot handle anything that hints at how their tech is ancient and badly parameterized.
Could be software configuration errors at a miner
Could be a mining facility that went down.
Last time, it was hydro problems in China.
Samson has no idea. He's just asserting that it was a statistical anomaly.
Guess what the maxis are doing? They are claiming that we should be averaging lots of blocks together, because reasons.
Only a moron would suggest using a running average of 2016 blocks to examine the hash rate. You'd detect attacks 2011 blocks too late.
Exchanges need to monitor the blockchain and adjust the confirmation time in response to sudden loss of hash rate.
You don't know why that hash disappeared, and it's not safe to continue with 6 confirms.
BTC is ancient technology. Many of its parameters are badly chosen.
Now you know about the block interval, and how it inherently gives rise to false positives.
It's the community: the BTC thought leaders are mostly coin shilling clowns. The few BTC code janitors who inherited Satoshi's code base hide behind them, never once correcting their aberrant behavior.