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We're back, for #6ix9ine closings: Judge Engelmayer has described for the jury the charges including alleged carjack and kidnap of Daniel Hernandez @SDNYLIVE First up: AUSA Warren patreon.com/posts/30185939 Thread
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA AUSA Warren starts with Gov Exhibit of Harv Ellison saying "they don't want war with Billy, we big behind the wall. They just NYC. Billy, we worldwide." US Attorney's point: Nine Trey is a conspiracy
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA AUSA Warren quotes Harv Ellison telling #6ix9ine "not to be a poseur" (Warren's words), not to choose when the f*ck to show up
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA AUSA Warren tells jury, "Look at what Ellison does not say. He does not say, 'What do you mean? I am not a gangster. What do you mean, "Blood"?'"

Yeah, he didn't say that.
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA AUSA Warren quotes Ellison that "you can't pick and choose when to be a gangster," says he's guilty of Count 1. Turns to October slashing of the witness who had a compulsion order to testify yesterday but in the end wasn't called
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Note: there is a photo of the slashed face in evidence; Inner City Press has not published it out of respect. (Also, would non-responsive Twitter call it impermissible content even though it's evidence in a Federal trial? Questions, questions)
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA AUSA Warren: Harv was going to see Ms. Ramirez on at the Ludlow Street hotel the night of the slashing, but that all hell broke loose in and around Smurf Village. Harv drove from the West Side to Brooklyn, sending video from Battery Tunnel...
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Now yesterday's cell site records are coming in - showing Harv on the move to Brooklyn. "Remember Ms. Ramirez testified that on Fulton and Utica she met Mr. Ellison and his friends" - and that he left her with them. AUSA: "That is frantic behavior."
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Now AUSA Warren turns to "robbery and kidnapping of Daniel Hernandez," Tekashi #6ix9ine. He says it was NOT staged.
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Now US Attorney is playing audio that driver Jorge Rivera, cooperating with government after picked up on immigration charges, recorded of Shotti telling #6ix9ine, we got to kill somebody, I drive around with a semi-automatic rifle
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA In the recording (by Jorge Rivera), Shotti says he shot five people in one night for Mel Murda. Shotti: "I earned my stripes."
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA AUSA Warren asks jury if they think #6ix9ine's career would be helped by being seen beaten up and chain stolen. Shows photo of his swollen face.
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA AUSA Warren tells jury, Remember that the driver Jorge Rivera was also robbed. He had a gun pointed at his head and they took his cell phone.
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA AUSA Warren quotes Mr. Ramirez that Harv bragged to her that he still had some of #6ix9ine's chains, months after the robbery.
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA AUSA Warren quotes Nuke Mack that you gotta either be the shooting or the grinder, selling drugs, you can't be both at once. Division of labor.
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Government shows video Nuke Mack uploaded to Instagram of robbing and yelling "Trey Way for real." Notes he was wearing the same green polo and cap as in the exhibit photo. For real.
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA It had to happen: AUSA Warren brings up #6ix9ine's selfie with Mister Met, when they got the call that Ro had been robbed
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA US Attorney playing more recorded calls between Mack and Kristian Cruz, saying they shouldn't have given Shotti drugs on consignment, you gotta be a shooter or a grinder, you can't be both, you f*ck it up for the next man
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA AUSA Warren mocks defense argument that Mack was only chattering with Kristian Cruz 'cuz he was lonely. "They are talking about specific quantities of drugs, specific numbers," Warren says.
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA AUSA Warren says the Nine Trey Bloods are or were organized: Cruz took a street beef to the prison line up.

@SDNYLIVE: Sorta like Shotti appealing to the Second Circuit?
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA OK, they've said it again. Assistant US Attorney Warren just said, "Jim Jones was the one on the call with Mel Murda about violating Daniel Hernandez." #RetiredRapper
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA AUSA Warren: "Cruz testified that Mack had a gun when he went to Mack's apartment to deliver heroin... I'm going to make one more point, then talk about the law then sit down." Then a break then defense closing arguments.
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Defense closings have begun. Mack's lawyer Fasulo reminds the jury what his associate Huot told them in opening: in a college fraternity you are not responsible for what another chapter of the fraternity does. #AnimalHouse
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Fasulo reminds that jury that the prosecution made a big point of how organized Nine Trey was, with various "lines" with people at the top. He asks, but what line was Mr Mack in? No line. [Implication: not really a member, or not response for what others did]
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Fasulo asks how Mack can be charged with a shooting that was a shooting at... Mack. Mack shoots at himself? That's a conspiracy? Fasulo says that the US calls an agreement was just a conversation, like among people living in a condo or co-op.
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Fasulo tells the jury to pay attention to audio and video he's about to play for them.

Then it doesn't work. He says, you can ask for it in the jury room.
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Now Fasulo, after citing as everyone else has the Mister Met selfie with #6ix9ine, says "we've talked about trolling, how Mr Hernandez admitted he likes to get under people's skin, posting videos, getting attention"
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Now Fasulo attacking Count 7, which he asked unsuccessfully to have dismissed. "The gun. Who links Mr. Mack to a gun? Only Kristian Cruz. That's it. Cruz."
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Ask Fasulo talks about RICO enterprise, an associate tried to leave him a note on the lectern. He doesn't not pick it up. So the associates comes forward and hands it to him.
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Fasulo says while Kristian Cruz says "jack" means robbery, another said it means "approve," as you "you can't jack that" denoted "you can't approve that."
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Fasulo continues questioning the "coded language" - does food always mean heroin? Does "a buck fifty" mean a slashing or 150 grams of heroin? He urges the jury to question all coded language
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Fasulo tells jury it is entirely up to the government whether to give out the 5K1 "golden letter," says it's a big incentive to perform for the government, even to lie.
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Fasulo tells the jury that #6ix9ine "is a master at reading an audience... But what does he really know about Mister Mack? He heard that Mack did nothing. He didn't see it. He doesn't know."
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Fasulo turns to cooperator Kristian Cruz, says he pled guilty to paying a witness, obstruction of justice, asks How can you believe him?

Hasn't laid a glove on Jorge Rivera, though : )
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Fasulo still hammer at Kristian Cruz: he used his mother's house (and account) for drugs... he boosts his profits by mixing heroin with deadly fentanyl...
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Fasulo turns to Kristian Cruz and "law enforcement" - Cruz bragged he got a cop to work for his drug enterprise. He set up a robbery committed by people impersonating police officers. Once in prison he used a cell phone - contraband
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Fasulo is done. Judge Engelmayer says Mr Smallman is checking if jurors' lunch has been delivered. Remaining: Cannick for Harv Ellison, government rebuttal. Then Judge Engelmayer's jury charge...
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Judge Engelmayer gives the jury a break until 1:20 pm for Cannick's closing argument for Harv Ellison. Should be interesting. This threat will resume at that time. Warning: from now until then, a thread about questions put in today to corrupt UN we're banned from
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA OK - Ellison's defense lawyer Deveraux Cannick has started up by telling the jury to closely review #6ix9ine's testimony, says he was prepared for hours and hours by the government and still there are holes in his story. Thread continues
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Cannick emphasizes that #6ix9ine said he only made one call, a Facetime to his daughter. Turns to Cruz claiming he's worthy of your belief. "Ladies and gentlemen, I don't buy it."
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Cannick is saying sometimes the government should tear up the 5K1 letter, but doesn't. Here's Inner City Press on a cooperator who after the deal smuggled drugs into private prison and sold them. Judge Gardephe was outraged, gave 4 years: innercitypress.com/sdny1cooperato…
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Government objects to Cannick saying a Kristian Cruz call was in the last six weeks. Judge Engelmayer doesn't rule, tells jury that their recollection will control. Cannick going back and forth between references to #6ix9ine and Cruz
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Cannick: Cruz has no familiarity with Harv. He said, "Harv is not a thief" only in order to prime the pump and get Mel Murda to talk. But where did Mel Murda get his info from? Shotti. But #6ix9ine said "Shotti is a liar. Shotti is a fraud."
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Cannick asks why the government didn't take at face value their witness #6ix9ine's view that Shotti was a liar.

Says of course Mel Murda told Cruz whatever he wanted- he needed Cruz' drugs and money.
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Cannick: Cruz' mandatory minimum is 15 years. "Well, #6ix9ine's mandatory minimum if 47 years. You don't think he would do whatever he had to do to get home? He's said he wants to get home by the New Year."
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Now Cannick says Harv had only known Ms Ramirez for a month. Quiet Harv is going to tell her secrets? Cannick: "She's a young girl, she didn't want to be here. She told you Harv was a Big Blood - because he made her turn off a Crips song. Nonsense."
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Cannick: The videos they show had Harv with a bunch of Crips. Ms. Ramirez made a claim about Harv leaving her along for the first time. But on cross she admitted he left her before with Seko.
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Cannick: The slashing created a lot of blood. But Harv's clothes were spotless. Look at the video in the car.

To the jury: you don't have a single eyewitness to what the government says Harv did. Nothing.
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Cannick: "They've already lodged the charges, now they need the witnesses."
AUSA: Objection!
Judge Engelmayer: The jury's memory with control.
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA He's going there. Cannick: "I want to turn to Jorge Rivera. He was working with the gov. He was reporting criminality back to the government. He agreed that was his responsibility. So, if this was a legit kidnapping, wouldn't he have called his agent that night?
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Cannick: Jorge was at the studio when #6ix9ine did the interview. He knew, "My boss is up to something." But he reported nothing. Because nothing criminal happened.
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Cannick: For months Jorge didn't turn in any tapes. It was only when #6ix9ine got in the soup that Jorge came forward with the tape. He saw his change - 'I can get a 5K letter. I can be home by Christmas.'"
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Cannick cites Martin Luther King. "It takes courage to make the government to do that right thing." Pause. "If you're gonna pull off this hoax you got to make it look good. #6ix9ine's got to take a few punches."
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Cannick, channeling #6ix9ine: "I go to a Level 1 hospital but I stay only 1 minute. Then I get Shotti. I think, I'm going to need a photograph. I get a punch and send the photo to TMZ."
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Cannick: #6ix9ine tried to downplay that he had just dropped a song with Nicki Manaj, that he wanted his jewelry robbed to get publicity, to make money
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Cannick: #6ix9ine didn't want you to know that BEFORE the kidnapping he had posted an invitation to rob him. "He is a bright young man. He understands marketing. His music sells with he has Bloods and Crips in the back. He ratcheted it up."
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Cannick: you're gonna see message where Harv tells #6ix9ine, "We're not your goons."

Much was made about the rant on the video by Shotti. He's raging - but #6ix9ine never adopted that, never said Harv shouldn't have done what he did.
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Cannick: Shotti thought the carjacking was real; #6ix9ine knew that it wasn't.

"You saw what was happened to Snow Billy. There wasn't any fifty thousand on his head. But he got shot in the head."
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Cannick: the only one who said Harv had a gun was #6ix9ine. They shot music videos where the guns were real - but Harv didn't have one. Harv got hit in the head at the Yams festival - but he didn't pull a gun.
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Cannick: At LAX, he didn't pull a gun. Super Bowl party? No gun. Nothing in the evidence will suggest Harv is gang-related.
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Cannick makes an analogy, to Trump: "Harv is the Michael Cohen. He is the fixer."
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Cannick: Real kidnappers would usually try to disguise themselves. But not here.

And they left the victim with his cell phone. But he didn't call Sara, and say that the jewelry had been a robbery. He calls Shotti, who takes him to the hospital on Long Island.
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Cannick: Why did the government go after Jussie Smollett, but with #6ix9ine use his story?

Well, Jussie Smollett wasn't allegedly part of the Bloods.
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Cannick: I think there is a plethora of doubt. I think the government has done a terrible job. So we bring it to you: tell them, if you are going to bring these type of case, bring me evidence.

Judge Engelmayer: the mid afternoon coffee and snack has arrived.
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA With jury out of the room, Judge Engelmayer admonished Cannick for misstating when the last call between Kristian Cruz and Ellison was. Cannick said 6 weeks but it was 11 months. Judge Engelmayer tells AUSA Longyear to raise in rebuttal.
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA We're back and AUSA begins with Cannick's misstatement of when the last call between Kristian Cruz and Ellison was - 11 months, not 6 weeks as Cannick said. Ouch.

Also: Harv no blood in Battery Tunnel video? It was BEFORE the stabbing. Ouch II.

@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA But is AUSA Longyear going to defend #6ix9ine and the government's cooperation deal with him?

So far, Longyear is saying if you ignore the defense's distractions, their clients are finished. He'll start with Nuke Mack
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA AUSA Longyear: this is not guilty by association - this is guilt by participation. Mack was on the phone with Kristian Cruz, drug supplier. This wasn't idle chatter or gossip. This was talk of heroin and fentanyl.
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Judge Engelmayer: can someone please get Mr. Ellison some water? "I think the coughing is distracting."
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA Now AUSA Longyear says Ro Martin took the dispute to the prison line up in the persons of Frank White and Magoo.

AUSA: don't be distracted by the lines of Nine Trey. The street line up reports to the prison line up.
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA AUSA Longyear to jury: "You know food means heroin."

Says 501N shows "Bat, who shot Snow in the back of the head" (?)

AUSA: Mack "admitted on social media he did that robbery... Mack posted a video of the Range Rover he stole, dissed with "Ro Murda, what up?"
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA AUSA: If you believe the cooperators, their clients are done. So their lawyer have to attack the cooperators. They have no choice. "Hernandez told you Ellison kidnapped and robbed him. Rivera corroborated it." 5K1
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA AUSA Longyear: They tell you Kristian Cruz was terrible. We agree. There's no dispute. We didn't choose Kristian Cruz - Mack and Nine Trey did. Why? He was making money.
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA AUSA: "Government didn't choose Daniel Hernandez, Tekashi #6ix9ine. Nine Trey chose him. Viral videos, he made them money. He participated in violence. He was all in. They were all in."
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA AUSA Longyear: Sure cooperators have a motive. But think about the consequences are if they are caught in a lie. Daniel Hernandez, 47 years. Kristian Cruz, 15 years. Jorge Rivera, seven years. It would be madness to lie: nothing to gain, everything to lose
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA AUSA: "Dont' believe the cooperators because they are good people. Believe them because they are selfish people.

You heard Daniel Hernandez talk about his crimes, including a brick of heroin before he even joined Nine Trey.

He "came clean with everything that he's done."
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA AUSA: "Mr Cannick what you to believe #6ix9ine is lying about the robbery. Why would he? It would be madness."
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA AUSA: "Ms. Ramirez is not a cooperating witness. She testified under subpoena.... She dropped a PIN at 10 pm on the corner of Utica and Fulton... She said she didn't see any blood on Harv - if she was a government pawn, wouldn't she say she saw some?"
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA AUSA: "On the robbery, you saw the video. You heard Daniel Hernandez pleading with Harv Ellison, swearing on his daughter's life. You heard him testify that the robbery was humiliating. How does getting robbed enhance that gangster persona?"
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA AUSA: You saw the other robbery that Hernandez filmed from the car, to get it out and humiliate Rap a Lot. Like Mack did after he robbed Mel Murda. That's what this robbery was. It was not staged. It was the exact opposite.
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA AUSA Longyear: Harv's point in robbery #6ix9ine was not to get away with it. It was a powerplay within Nine Trey, to show Hernandez and Shotti who was boss.
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA AUSA Longyear: Harv was all about being a gangster. He didn't like this rainbow-haired poseur. So he robbed him.
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA AUSA Longyear: Jorge Rivera tried to call 911 through Onstar because his cell phone had been robbed. He was a victim too.
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA AUSA: Then you hear Shotti ranting at #6ix9ine, how could you get touched? They steal your shine, they steal my shine."
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA AUSA Longyear: In April, months before the robbery, Ellison told #6ix9ine, "Respect my d*ck." He was disrespecting him. The robbery is corroborated. You saw Ellison's text messages with Miss Trey Way. You saw the ridiculous video, My Little Pony
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA AUSA Longyear: Ladies and gentlemen, for the last two weeks you've seen messages from their phones, wiretaps calls, you've seen videos. That's the evidence that corroborates Hernandez. Your job is to focus. Listen to Judge Engelmayer's instructions on the law
@sdnylive @MatthewLeeICP @revolttv @XXL @TMZLive @HotNewHipHop @Power106LA AUSA: "Over the last two weeks you've had a front row seat to the inner workings of Nine Tray. Now it's time for you to go look at the evidence. Find the defendants Mack and Ellison guilty on all counts."

Next day is.. Wednesday (!) Jury charge til late morning.
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