They recommend people continue to consume unprocessed & processed red meat at current rates
I disagree, in USA
My perspective - in 17 tweets
#ReduceRedMeat in USA
But with less meat how would we get enuf protein?
(didja see the last tweet – the rest of the world eats less, in many cases much less)
Got that covered….here -…

NutriRECS authors note that they do not address ethical or environmental issues.
Thanx for acknowledging
Thanx to @aaronecarroll and @DrTiff_ for concluding with this mention in editorial.

Singling out red meat not helpful.
Focus on food patterns, finding more agreement, making it less confusing to public.
Current meat intake > required/recommended
& veg/fruit/bean intake < recommended
*More (whole) veg/beans/fruits
*Less meat/better meat
Has self-appointed NutriRECS group successfully challenged & refuted previous rec's for reducing red meat established & published by:
-Am Heart Assoc.
-Dietary Guidelines for Americans
-World Health Organization
-Eat-Lancet Commission
+ more
#ReduceRedMeat in USA