R’s are handmaidens to the gun lobby, ensuring thousands die yearly, so long as they get #NRABloodMoney. courier-journal.com/story/news/pol…
A mass shooting every day
100 deaths each day
Children afraid of going to school....
When will enough be #Enough?
Let’s discuss effective laws that would prevent future victims.
Let’s put some sense out there regarding this matter....
“Guns don’t kill people, people kill people.”
Then this map of U.S. homicides:
And also this map of firearm deaths. Patterns emerge.
“The best way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.”
Being proactive will ALWAYS be better, preferable, and save more lives than being reactive. EVERY TIME! #GunReform

Sutherland Springs is often claimed as a successful good guy w/ a gun situation...
The “good guy with a gun” narrative is also completely subjective. Everyone obviously likes to think they’re the “good guy with a gun”.
“Stand Your Ground laws allow me to protect myself. Society is safer if I’m allowed to shoot anyone who threatens me.”
SYG laws enable a person to use lethal action as a first step, instead of last resort defensive use. It’s a disgusting abuse of firearm ownership.
This allows systemic racism to play out in a fatal & tragic way....
SYG laws get many people killed, & further enable lethal racism. Disgusting. #Enough
“Shooters always target gun-free zones. We should eliminate them and allow guns in all spaces.”
There is nothing wrong with putting metal detectors in place, but to say that gun free zones are an invitation to shooters is completely inaccurate.
Being reliant on “good guys w/ guns” is not the best way to promote gun safety— GUN LAWS ARE. #GunReform
“We need to arm teachers in schools, to improve safety. More guns the better!”
Also, teachers are far underpaid already. Asking them to double as educators AND mercenaries isn’t reasonable in the least.
It also has resulted in teachers accidentally firing their own firearms in the classroom. This isn’t making kids safer. #GunReform

“Red Flag laws are unconstitutional. They violate my due process, & won’t save any lives.”
You need to calm down.
Many individuals who enact violence or commit suicide display multiple warning signs; this is a chance to prevent tragedy.
If you despise ERPOs, that just makes me question your nature/intention.
“Guns give an advantage to anyone carrying. We should all be ‘force multipliers’ in every situation!”
Allowing anyone & everyone to possess firearms, and become a “force multiplier” just puts more danger & violence into any given situation.
Again, “good guys w/ guns” is not the solution that it’s sold to be.
Not. Always. Safe.
“Safe storage laws would only hinder me from defending myself from an attack. I need to have quick and easy access to my firearm; that’s why I keep mine under my pillow/in my drawer/loaded/etc etc...”
Another great possibility is that it could be stolen from you if it’s not safely locked up....
“There are plenty of objects that can be used for violence (cars, hammers, knives), should we ban those?”
Guns’ primary purpose IS attack, so we obviously need to restrict access to these devices more heavily than others.
There’s an argument that we shouldn’t have restrictions on assault weapons because:
“People are killed by other means more often than assault weapons. Compared to other ways of dying, AR-15s don’t kill nearly as many people.”
That goes for anything (not just guns). #GunReform
Mass shootings are becoming much more common in the U.S. though. By giving easy access to guns, we are allowing it.
And if you want it broken down, here is what it means. The patterns are very clear. It *should be* obvious what must be done....
“Assault weapons aren’t real. AR-15’s (& similar guns) don’t have fully auto capabilities, and aren’t weapons of war. They’re not dangerous.”
These weapons allow for precision in blasting their targets, & high capacity magazines allow for many shots w/o reload.
The DEADLIEST mass shootings in our country have been enacted w/ assault weapons. That’s not a coincidence! #GunReform
“The AR-15 only uses .223 caliber ammunition anyway! Other guns are much higher in caliber than that; assault weapons aren’t dangerous!”
It’s that our children are actually being SHOT. #GunReform
“The government can’t implement a buyback program. They’re my guns, it would cost the taxpayers way too much money, and it wouldn’t accrue any guns/it wouldn’t work.”
Self defense still completely possible w/ a gun if a buyback were implemented. #GunReform
Many of these individuals have been found to be in financial hardship, & would sell their assault weapons if they saw limited options.
In truth it wouldn’t pale in comparison to the cost of emergency medical personnel, Medicaid recipients, law enforcement, jail/prison time for the perps, tax-funded legal help, etc...
Don’t like taxes? Then you’d love the assault weapons buyback programs put in place.
“If people don’t have access to guns, they will still find a way to kill others, ergo gun control is pointless. People will use bombs... get bomb control instead.”
Few other methods are as lethal as guns, while still being remarkably accessible.
“Criminals don’t obey laws. They will still acquire firearms.”
If laws do nothing, then why do we have any at all??
(Intertwined with the previous myth)
“ONLY law abiding citizens will be affected by gun reform.”
Laws involving gun reform are designed to prevent as many dangerous situations as possible, NOT prevent every single shooting. That’s not realistic.
“Well you can’t repeal 2A, or confiscate our guns! It’s unconstitutional.”
“Don’t infringe on my gun rights, 2A says you can’t!”
SCOTUS has ruled that ALL rights have limits though, specifically 2A....
“Like most rights, the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited…”. It is “…not a right to keep & carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever & for whatever purpose.”
Current examples include banning manufacture of fully automatic rifles for civilians, banning domestic abusers’ gun ownership, background checks, bump stock bans, etc.
We’ll note that the Heller case which Scalia spoke on was about self defense, for which AR-15 is definitely not needed…
Hmmm what does the AR-15 seem like it’s best suited for, besides gunning down school children....?
Many are are used unlawfully, and commonly possessed. Many lawful uses ( e.g. target shooting) does not take precedence over common unlawful use (e.g. school shooting).
“We don’t need more gun laws, we have enough already; we should just try to enforce those.”
We should ALWAYS be trying to improve our laws and employing additional ways of cutting crime down.
All still allowing gun ownership for the law abiding! Great!
“I can either own guns, or be a victim.”
“Guns are used for so many things (competition, hunting, sport, target practice), we can’t ban them or restrict them.”
Responsible gun owners need to understand what a firearm is primarily built for. #GunReform
Let’s prioritize. The rest should take a backseat here, #GunReform is needed in our nation.

“But DGU’s (defensive gun use) are 2.5 million per year, so the good far outweighs the bad. Everyone should always be armed; gun reform would be harmful.”
For that survey, they randomly asked 5,000 Americans if they or anyone in their household had used a firearm for self protection in the last year....
I will admit that DGU incidents can involve not even having to use the weapon, just the sight of one may be defense, but NOT to the degree of millions/year.
For every 1 time a firearm is used for self-defense, they are used:
4 times for accidental shootings
7 times for assault/homicide
11 times for suicide
“If someone is going to commit suicide, they will do it. We can’t prevent it with gun reform.”
Should a person’s life end because they make a grave mistake??
“Waiting periods for guns are pointless, and infringes on my right to bear arms. It’s unconstitutional!”
Someone who wishes to impulsively hurt themselves or hurt others is much less likely to do so if they are forced to wait it out for awhile.
“We don’t need gun reform, we need to improve our mental healthcare system.”

1. Mental health issues ≠ violence. The two are not automatically equivocated. Just because someone struggles with a mental health issue, does not mean they will be violent.
“Veterans deserve unrestricted access to firearms. We are hurting them by implementing strict gun laws upon them.”
OF COURSE I don’t think that they should have any extra limitations in place regarding gun possession, but they should be cautioned along w/ the general population on the dangers…
Veterans are honorable & heroic members of our society, I fully revere them. That is why we need to advocate for safety, even for them. #GunReform
“Jesus wanted us to have guns, I’m just doing what the Bible says.”
To think that Jesus loves/loved guns is on a whole other level of self-indoctrination. #GunReform

“So many shooters are liberals, we just need to ban liberals from owning guns!”
Other silly patterns: tylervigen.com/page?page=1
“Mass shootings are isolated acts. I shouldn’t be punished for the wrongdoings of a few bad apples. Thoughts & prayers.”

So how do we respond to acts of terror? Let’s observe a tragic example we all know.
“Anyone who wants to implement gun reform laws are gun grabbers! They just want to ban all guns; call them what they are!”

“30% of people in the U.S. own guns, gun reform will never work...”
Most of us should want our neighborhoods, schools, churches, concerts, movie theaters, restaurants, offices, hospitals, & homes to be safe.
“Open carry laws make us all so safe, the more guns out in public the better!”
“We need to protect ourselves from tyranny, which will overtake this country if we have gun reform.”
“Look at Switzerland. They don’t have gun violence issues, and they’re all required to own firearms! The more firearms the better!”
In America, citizens often speak of needing guns to defend against other Americans or the government.
“Gun laws don’t work, just look at Chicago.”
OVER 60% of guns recovered from crimes in Illinois are from surrounding states. That’s VERY significant! #GunReform
“Mexico has strict gun control laws, but take note of their record high gun violence!”
70% of guns recovered in Mexican crimes can be traced back to the U.S., and that’s just what they have been able to trace! #GunReform

“You can’t implement gun reform. If someone wants to force me to obey these laws, you’ll have to try to take my guns from me. Come and get them!”

“Smart guns won’t solve anything. The technology is flawed & would only prevent me from defending myself as quickly as possible! Smart guns will get people killed.”
I’ve literally been told that if they want to go SWIMMING WITH THEIR GUNS, they might be prevented from shooting them off.
I’m not joking.
This would prevent straw purchasers from buying guns for criminals trying to avoid a background check, keeping weapons out of thousands of criminal hands.
“We shouldn’t discuss gun reform right now. Don’t politicize this shooting.”
“The U.S. is saturated with hundreds of millions of guns. If guns were a factor in gun violence, our country would be riddled with an epidemic of violent outbreaks. Firearms must not be an issue.”
Our country IS experiencing an epidemic of gun deaths, to think otherwise is blatantly incorrect. It’s time to change that. #GunReform
“Owning firearms makes me very tough. If you advocate for gun safety laws, you need your man card revoked, “Soy Boy”.”
I’m secure enough w/ myself that I don’t need a firearm to feel like a man. And I don’t actually care about that anyway. That’s not important to me. At all.
“We shouldn’t have to change our gun laws for you. If you don’t like how things are, just leave.”
I’m not okay with it. #Enough

Threaten me more. Try to stifle my efforts. It won’t work.
“The NRA wants the LGBTQ community to be armed, because their safety is valued. Equal rights means loose gun laws for all.”
In truth, the NRA has said that trans-individuals are twisted, likened gay love to beastiality, & has proclaimed that mass shootings happen because we allow marriage equality.
Not kidding. NRA officials have said this. Awful.
Bullets don’t discriminate, but hate does. When armed with a gun, hate does MUCH more damage than without one. 💔
Under #VeryStableGenius’ administration, hate has been fostered & encouraged to grow.
“Gun laws are racist, & have no place in this country. If you want gun reform you are a racist.”
This. Must. Be. Fixed.
Not only does easy access to firearms endanger these communities, but it deprives them of the freedom of feeling safe.
#GunReform #DisarmHate
“A gun is the ultimate equalizer, and gives women power in dangerous situations. Gun laws, therefore, are sexist.”
Women are 100 times more likely to be murdered by a man w/ a gun than to use it to kill in self-defense.
Did you get that?
That should floor you.
“Our children need better protection, which is only made possible with more guns, everywhere. Loose gun laws will help keep kids alive.”
Self-protection is one thing, as long as the proper checks are applied & safe storage is implemented. Loose gun laws/ownership however IS. NOT. SAFE.
Children of color are at even greater odds.
Read it again.
We allow this. We refuse to regulate firearms strictly. We kill thousands of children because of it. 90% of the children, killed right here.
That’s just those that are shot. About 3 million kids witness gun violence every year. Do you want that for your child? I don’t.
“We shouldn’t have to live like this, they shouldn’t have to die like this.” -@ShannonRWatts
Now is the time. Advocate for safety. Advocate for protecting kids, NOT guns.
“Gun violence isn’t a public health crisis. Health professionals need to stay in their lane!”
They deal with it all.
They know the impact of witnessing a shooting has on a child’s psyche.
They are experts in critical areas of gun violence treatment.
40,000 deaths, 85,000 injured, & all the families affected/involved EVERY YEAR. The NRA wants them all to be ignored. We. Will. Not. #GunReform
“Why does the NRA get blamed for gun violence in the U.S.? Innocent NRA members have nothing to do with these shootings. We are not a domestic terrorist organization.”
They donate millions to political campaigns in order to sway our lawmakers to pass & keep gun laws in their favor (nonexistent).
Some argue that they do this in order to lobby for its members’ gun rights, but that’s actually not the case....

If we’re going to make a successful claim for pushing sensible gun laws, we need to know what that means, & why it’s effective.
So let’s come up with some aspects that we can all agree on....
We need enhanced background checks for firearms with required reporting to centralized database linking FBI, local police & other agencies.
We need mandatory universal background checks on ALL gun sales and transfers.
Prosecute individuals who commit federal crimes involving firearms. This includes falsifying documents for purchasing a firearm, illegal possession/use of firearms, illegal transport, etc…
Mandatory mental health evaluations at least before first firearm purchase would be incredibly useful.
We need to require mental health professionals to report relevant information to the NICS system.
Ban sale/purchase of assault weapons, defined by: semi-auto rifles, semi-auto pistols, & semi-auto shotguns w/ detachable high capacity magazines, & one or more military features such as telescoping stock, bayonet mount, flash suppressor, grenade launcher, etc.
Grandfather in those who already own assault weapons, but require them to register said weapons if they do not wish to sell them.
Implement optional buyback program of assault weapons.
Mandatory license, permit, & proper training/knowledge tests before first gun purchase, just like vehicles.
Mandatory liability insurance for the possession of any firearm which can shoot bullets with a kinetic energy of more than 1,000 Joules (e.g. AR-15).
Raise the age to purchase semi-automatic long guns to 21 years old, just like with handguns.
Lifetime gun ban for all convicted domestic abusers, & temporary ban for those awaiting trial or those with pending restraining orders due to violence, or stalking.
Domestic abusers may currently appeal to have their gun rights restored.
Domestic abusers must turn over any previously purchased firearms, providing PROOF of doing so.
Close the Boyfriend Loophole.
Ban individuals convicted of hate crimes from possessing or purchasing firearms.
Mandatory 30-day waiting period at least on first gun purchase.
Close the “Charleston Loophole”.
IF however, the results of said background check are not back within 3 days, the FFL may choose to sell to the individual anyway...
It’s put firearms in the hands of 58,779 additional prohibited individuals. That is not safe!
Allow government funding for the CDC to continue to research gun violence, and allocate enough funds for future understanding of this epidemic.
Require police, FBI, & medical professionals to provide detailed gun-violence statistics to the CDC (& the public) for research so that we can study trends & learn more about how to prevent these.
We NEED to repeal all Stand Your Ground laws.
We need to restrict/regulate paid marketing & advertising by gun manufacturers (like we do w/ alcohol & tobacco).
Repeal laws which prohibit arms manufacturers from being sued for accidents/fatalities resulting from faulty equipment.
Mandatory reporting of lost/stolen firearms with strict penalties (including loss of gun privileges) for those who fail to properly & promptly report.
Make straw purchase crimes more harshly punishable, and hold FFLs accountable for numerous straw purchases enacted through them.
Ban all purchases of armor-piercing ammunition; implement a 1-year buyback program after which possession of said ammo is also a crime.
10 bullet magazine capacity restriction; implement same buyback-then-ban program for high capacity magazines as proposed with armor-piercing ammo ban.
He shot 36 people in under 30 seconds. #GunReform
We need federal "red flag laws" allowing law enforcement to temporarily confiscate firearms from individuals deemed a threat to themselves or others.
That’s important. That saves lives.
18+ age waiver for a single gun purchase if a gun is needed for self-defense. Require proof of "clear and present danger".
We need to implement safe storage laws for all gun owners.
Establish federal baseline "may-issue" CCW (Carry a Concealed Weapon) laws, imposing required training & passing knowledge tests for CCW applicants.
Allow states & local municipalities to impose additional restrictions/requirements.
Responsible gun owners, why wouldn’t you want to be? There shouldn’t be opposition to this.
Continue recent ban of bump stocks & ban other devices/kits used to convert semi-autos to simulate fully automatic fire.
The NRA still opposed a bump stock ban. How surprising. #GunReform
Require microstamping in all firearms. This will cause the gun to stamp into each cartridge alphanumeric & geometric codes as it fires, providing info identifying make, model, & serial number.
This law would help track down criminals, & prevent straw purchases!
Ban production of guns via a 3-D printer, & ban blueprints of guns to be made by such means.
Implement smart gun technology installations. This would require a fingerprint analysis for the firearm to discharge.
It would prevent accidental use by children, theft of your firearm, as well as straw purchasing.
Re-enter the UN Arms Trade Treaty. Immediately, for worldwide safety.
Most other nations have signed on. Bravo other nations! #GunReform
Finally, we need to ban corporate donors from $ contributions to politicians.
While this isn’t particular to gun violence, it does have a significant impact. Bringing it full circle, we need to get corporate interests out of our lawmakers’ wallets & ears.
Get informed on this matter. Read this thread. Do research for yourself. Look into your congress members’ NRA rating as well as campaign contribution sources. Investigate!
Contact your representatives about this issue.
Find out their stance, & make yours known.
Present your request, along w/ evidence to support it.
Ask the reasoning for their viewpoint.
Call out any NRA/corporate influence.
Vote for lawmakers/officials who share your values. Vote for representation that puts YOUR needs forth, not their own needs or their party’s talking points.
Get involved in other ways if you want as well! Join your local @momsdemand chapter.
Follow actions made by @giffordscourage, or donate to them.
Pay attention to the work of @GunsDownAmerica for how businesses are taking action for safety.
4,110 people have been killed by gun violence
11,780 people have been shot total
13,860 incidents overall (regardless of victim)
That. Is. Disgusting.
I hope this was helpful.
Spread this as far & wide as you can! If we’re to make progress in our nation, we need to know what that should look like. #GunReform