- Be aware of limitations of adult learners eg, limited time
- Be aware of limitations in environment: eg. Interruptions, clinical work, variety of learners
- self directed
- value for their education
- practically applicable
- they need to know why they need to know something!

3 hour anatomy lectures of the past may not be the most effective 😬😬 #CHEST2019

Benefit: legitimate peripheral learning. It not just the attendings and fellows that are learning, it’s everyone on the team (and they get closer to core) #CHEST2019

Transformative learning: change a problematic dilemma to a learning point by allowing learner and assisting them in reflection.
It allows them to work out the issue on their own terms
#CHEST2019 @accpchest

Experiential Learning: taking in situational experiences eg pt with submissive PE. Trainees pick up new concepts, reflect and absorb them and apply them to the next case!
Taylor @MedTeachJournal 2013: framework for how learners can build on existing knowledge. #CHEST2019

- organized, sequenced instruction
- education opportunities appropriate for stage of learning (my limited experience, this is 🔑)
- learning with context (my eg: don’t teach about dialysis if active issue is stroke)

- encourage them to ask Q!

Refer #CHEST2019 paper by Matt Miles for more details.

There are currently 4 generations in the work force. This creates challenges but also opportunities for learning.

Committed to an institution!

-Moore at #CHEST2019


Moore at #CHEST2019 #CHESTMedEd

Some strategies that are very effective
- elearning
- simulation
- audio and video based engagement
- social media
- flipped classroom
Gives a shout out to @khanacademy

Moore at #CHEST2019

- Bite sized learning
- Mix up the content (short videos, podcasts, blogs, journals for eg)
- Verify the #FOAMed content before sharing with learners
- Encourages educators to get introduced to Twitter (OK to lurk for a while before engaging!)
What are the good and bad aspects of large group didactics?

Learning with Pauses associated with improved long term recall.

“No souls are saved after 20 mins” - Kelly quotes Twain!

🕶 reduce wordage. Don’t read off of the slides
🕶 high contrast color combinations
🕶 get rid of the “busy slide”
🕶 use “sans serif” fonts
🕶 seek feedback before and after presentations!

♾ Know your audience
♾ Take time to hone your presentation (it takes about 20 times x length of talk). We don’t spend any time practicing the speaking though, WE SHOULD

Shares his advice: S.O.F.T.E.N YOUR APPROACH !!
- Open posture, open hands
- Eye contact enough to guess the person’s 👁 color and keep scanning
- Vary your tone

- brings audiences together
- more inter-audience engagement
Form a bond, a point that you share w/ your audiences: she talked about how speaking to large audiences makes her nervous too! we bonded! #CHEST2019

GET THEM MOVING: simple physical movements: raising hands, stretching. Can be effective, she uses for ultrasound and @accpchest board review courses
GET THEM TALKING: Dr. Morris asks us, what is common to these pictures, what do y’all think? #CHEST2019

- use hashtags to start conversations eg around #CHEST2019
- digital questions eg @Slidoapp
- advises having a moderator to avoid interruptions

Sessions that’s use #ARS have better engagement, and recall.
Use the results from the poll to adjust your presentation. Dr. Moore shares how to create hyperlinks within ppt to adapt your teaching #CHEST2019 👇🏽

- brief, clear
- for option choices
* similar length options
* avoid jokes / trivia
- consider non traditional question structures: doesn’t always have to be an ABCD type poll!

If someone sends in a “weird” reply to such an engaging question, use it as a teaching moment ... or as @ahalraiyes said: just blame it on hacking! 😬😂
Diff between games and simulation: games usually are cost and resource effective! @accpchest
Games publications:
- 1.7% games lit about HPE
- 1000s of data since 2013 in med

- Peer reviewed
- Be authentic
- Strive for high learner satisfaction across all age groups
- know your audience
- Reward systems: eg Whack-a-doc (intrinsic/dopamine rewards better than economic)
@williamkellymd at #CHEST2019
- Challenge: clear objective
- Rules: easy to learn, fun to monitor (why @Jeopardy is a hit!)
- Reward: Instrinsic (something that makes you happy/proud) vs extrinsic (physical reward eg Fidget spinners)
- Feedback critical

- Know audience: MS vs resident vs attendings
- What will motivate audience: eg competition or food?
- Clear learning objectives
- Structure you game (see slide for how!)

* It puts onus on the educator to be well versed with the content as opposed to being dependent on slides!
- Intro in top corner
- 3 to 4 major take home messages
- MAP your presentations on an A4 sheet, so you know how the talk will flow
- Save your talks and build a collection

During her chalk talk, @pkritek shares what’s in her educator’s bag. Check out the picture! So, my #MedEd folks, do you have such a bag and what’s in it? Let me know! @DrBCalifornia