#يسقط_حكم_المصرف video by @jamalghosn

Not all chanted against Hezbollah but the presence of such chants, particularly with relation to their arms, will be troubling for many. #lebanonprotests
Now that Hariri resigned, people fear what the US might do to a Hezbollah dominated govt.

“Tripoli city of peace”
“We will continue until we bring down the president and the whole parliament.”
And a list of demands, including “the formation of a government of technocrats with exceptional powers” #lebanonprotests

Hezbollah won many seats in democratic elections last year. They should be represented. US allied parties are clearly using #LebanonProtests to try & push Hezbollah out and then blame their obstruction on Hezbollah dailystar.com.lb/News/Middle-Ea…