Deadly fires + black-outs = 100% PREVENTABLE
Green dogmatists Gov Jerry Brown & Gavin Newsom a) let biomass build up bc “natural” & b) made energy scarce/expensive with renewables, efficiency & nuclear-killing, distracting from grid stability
Might have prevented deadly fires of 2017, 2018 & fires in 2019
And yet Gov. @JerryBrownGov VETOED the bill!
Left and right agree that the veto was horrible at every level
Here’s progressive (and anti-nuclear) Jamie Court
“This bill was neither insignificant nor small”…
“Why would governor veto unanimous legislation? ... PG&E, which was too embarrassed to openly oppose the bill, whispered in the ear of the Admin.... that former PG&E executives were Brown’s top aides made that whisper probable.”
But zero-cut was a massive and dangerous over-reaction driven by the appeal-to-nature fallacy that "natural" is best.
And while forest fires are natural the build-up of woody biomass — b/c of past clear-cutting — isn't
Big old trees (500 - 2000 yrs old) are usually unaffected, which is why their bark is often charred from past fires.
They have to be regularly cut or thinned in order to prevent the hot, out-of-control fires that plague California & which emit as much CO2 as all of our electricity production!…