As some of you already know, my blockbuster investigation RE dubious interference in #Elxn43 (mostly via social media) is now being censored by Twitter, so it says "tweet unavailable" in RTs & threads
Several of you have sent screencaps to prove this censorship is happening
I thank @TrippettaRaffe for being the 1st to let me know, especially because Twitter doesn't notify account holders when it censors individual posts

An hour after @TrippettaRaffe notified that my investigation is being censored by Twitter, my fiancé was able to confirm the same issue
Of note, he's a federal govt scientist who now can't see my post
I contacted @TwitterSupport in an effort to resolve this censorship, as my post & investigation seeks further attention from RCMP & @ElectionsCan_E
And blocking that from being seen presents another issue of #Elxn43 interference
Unfortunately Twitter didn't respond & that's what sent me hunting for their legal contact info via SEC, as noted in my prior thread
That of course led to my surprise RE their lawyer & a #TwitterPAC
As all that was happening, 2 other developments occurred
First I was tapped on the shoulder by @MobBuffalo & alerted that American journos have been covering those mafia relations pertaining to Canada
The reason @MobBuffalo took an interest is because my investigation into #Elxn43, the #FakeNews Buffalo Chronicle + Warren Kinsella also referenced the Buffalo mafia
That's the post that's now being censored by Twitter (linked in #1)
Since I published that #Elxn43 exposé I've also received confirmation from a Buffalo lawyer (who interviewed previously with CBC) that the publisher of #FakeNews Buffalo Chronicle threatens his detractors with retaliation by the mafia
The bona fide WNY news media also reached out, explaining how they fought with Matt Ricchiazzi to get him out of the Buffalo news, for years until they were successful
That's what resulted in the #FakeNews Buffalo Chronicle
The link posted by @MobBuffalo belongs to the bona fide WNY press & of interest, they interviewed an undercover cop from Ontario who infiltrated the illusive mafia that journos keep pointing at…
For those who aren't familiar, the Ontario police officer who went undercover to thwart the Buffalo mafia faced an attempt on his life & he's suing the police for blowing his cover…
Regardless of whether you believe the Buffalo mafia is still kicking or not (with partners in Ontario & Quebec) or if Matt Ricchiazzi (#FakeNews Buffalo Chronicle) is connected to them, that facade still relates to Kinsella
My investigation into #Elxn43 interference even notes a threat on Kinsella's life, by someone named Frank
It cites the murders of Honey & Barry Sherman in Toronto, in the style of a sensational mafia hit…
There's no proof who this ominous Frank character is, that made a threat on Kinsella's life. A reporter doesn't have the same resources as police to investigate any deeper
But Frank Parlato is Matt Ricchiazzi's biz partner
And my #Elxn43 investigation did uncover video evidence that Frank Parlato conducted hits on behalf of NXIVM, worth at least $225,000 USD
You'll have to read my investigation to see how NXIVM is more political than just a sex cult
NXIVM existed primarily as a kompromat organization to keep politicians in the US, Canada & Mexico in line. I contend that Frank Parlato blew the whistle about the sex cult part of this group, only as a means of distraction
Frank is the best friend of Roger Stone, who you all know as an operative in the Trump-Russia probe
Frank's also been indicted by a grand jury on 19 charges that involve money laundering, as a reason to misrepresent NXIVM
I'm not denying the sex cult factor in the NXIVM case, that Clare Bronfman pleaded guilty to
But I am suggesting the sex cult was the smallest part of NXIVM's operations, that are predicated on political & biz kompromat
This is where things get super jinky, because the #FakeNews Buffalo Chronicle that interfered in #Elxn43 was fed by Warren Kinsella, specifically regarding his plight to tarnish Justin Trudeau with fake sex scandal allegations
Everyone who's read my investigation also knows that Kinsella leaked his own scandal to Globe & Mail in an effort to distract from these foreign considerations, by admitting he worked for Conservatives during the election
Kinsella is likely aware that I'm in the process of drafting a complaint to the Law Society RE #Elxn43 & his alleged shady dealings that contravene their ethics
He won't acknowledge my investigation, but he keeps trying to spin it
I'm actually concerned Kinsella may have gotten in over his head RE trying to procure false sex allegations against PMJT & the #FakeNews Buffalo Chronicle's help in that op
I may abhor him, but death threats not OK either
Because it was only when the #CDNmedia forced Kinsella to admit that the Buffalo Chronicle was #FakeNews that someone named Frank suggested he could be killed the same as Honey & Barry Sherman
Reconnecting with my 1st thread RE #TwitterPAC & censorship, what you may not know is Kinsella claimed to represent Twitter in a conflict of interest after suing them for control of tweets about him…
This may explain why Twitter is now censoring my #Elxn43 investigation that involves Kinsella, because he claims to rep them as a lawyer while using his other hand to sue them if Twitter doesn't comply with his censorship demands
Moreover, the second thing that happened tonight is a new article RE Kinsella by the Globe & Mail
This one confirms he was also working for the Ontario Conservatives, in addition to the federal party
Why this matters is due to my 3rd investigation pertaining to #Elxn43 & #ForeignInterference, that implicates provincial & federal Conservatives in the manufactured blackface scandal against PMJT + the #FakeNews Buffalo Chronicle…
All in all I think we have a huge issue that RCMP & @ElectionsCan_E need to investigate
That's why it's so odious that Twitter is censoring my work & preventing authorities from seeing everyone's RTs while shielding Kinsella
Postscript: If you read the Globe & Mail story from tonight (in #26), you'll see Kinsella is also threatening the Ontario group to delete their tweets that question his behaviour & his conflicts of interest
This is a pattern