ICYMI Here's my investigation into #ForeignInterference in the Canadian election
RE Roger Stone, Frank Parlato, Warren Kinsella, Matt Ricchiazzi, Buffalo Chronicle, First Nations
In this thread I have a bit to respond/add/clarify
I appreciate the hoards of bricks & bouquets (mostly good only a few criticisms) because it means you're reading it & that's the most important thing I set out to do:
Cause you to care about the sovereignty & legitimacy of our election
Now most important thing you need to do is make sure you also read the last "ORIGINAL/ARCHIVE" link to Ricchiazzi's piece on his alternate website that I included in my final paragraph
Because it contains summary & outline of agenda
There's a reason Ricchiazzi chose those particular topics to attack on his Buffalo Chronicle website
The specific people he targeted (ie. BMO exec from Six Nations who created #Indigenous banking & ex Supreme Court Judge Iacobucci)
It's hard to tell by reading individual posts from Buffalo Chronicle, but they all have a purpose, each & every one of them
But you have to read the link in my last paragraph to see how it all comes together, even with #SNCLavalin
Here's the link I'm talking about
It comes with the caveat it's corrupt with false info (ie. asserting #SNCLavalin didn't/couldn't threaten 9,000 jobs - I proved they did in my pinned tweet), but this is agenda
That link can be characterized as a bunch of Canadian Conservative propaganda talking points, mixed with an American Republican legal flavor on how they can circumvent our sovereignty & the First Nations 'problem' to exploit our economy
They want control of our water, energy, infrastructure projects, shipping corridors & to dominate our financial industry by un-nationalizing our banks. They also, like the Canadian right @ Fraser Institute, want #Indigenous assimilation
The plan hatched in that link proposes a legal challenge to Canada's relationship with First Nations, by calling our 'duty-to-consult' tantamount to bribery of a foreign nation
They would argue that at trade tribunals in US, UN & WTO
A move like that kills many birds with one stone, with implications for multi-national industries & our domestic relationship with First Nations
It tries to municipalize them in one fell swoop & subject them to investor-state laws
It brings Frank Parlato's fight to strip American Indians of land rights & tax free status to Canada & plenty of powerful people of the Republican & Conservative persuasion want it that way, like Trump, Roger Stone, Stephen Harper, etc
That's why I had to spend so much time explaining people attacked by Buffalo Chronicle, because they are key obstacles to overcome in the effort to implement this game plan
They aren't random targets & destabilizing them is a priority
The fact that the campaign to destroy their reputations is working is the real cause for alarm. It means this isn't someone's fantasy to change the way Canada operates
It represents an actual plan in progress
And it's no small potatoes
They're actively trying to disable the Prime Minister of Canada. A political party. A Supreme Court judge. One of our Big Six banks. Our network of infrastructure corps. The legitimacy of #Indigenous govts
Plus the tactics they're using are brutally underhanded
Soliciting sexual assault complaints (via media & possibly for a bounty) is over the top. I don't care what political party you subscribe to. It's criminal & I won't condone it
Now to some of your comments
I received this & I'm sharing with permission. I haven't fact checked yet, but it gives more detail to the Six Nations + energy issue
I need rest & crowd-sourcing some research assistance is welcome

Some of you hoped for a tidy bow with summary of my investigation but the foundation for this discussion had to be explained first. Answers that are needed can only be sought by law enforcement
Someone has to follow the money & emails
Some of you asked if I'm scared Kinsella will come after me
I figure it's pretty much guaranteed, but he'll get the same response I've given to partisan lawyers who've complained my whole career long
Plus thank goodness for SLAPP
I even did Kinsella a courtesy because I was so pressed for time to get this information to enforcement bodies before election day
I didn't get around to mentioning the most curious points regarding him & the Buffalo Chronicle
One of the things that struck me most was that Buffalo Chronicle never cites a source
Instead it says:
A political operative from Toronto
A lawyer from Toronto
A political operative from Ottawa
A political operative from Vancouver
It's not conclusive but one person who could claim to be each of those things is Kinsella
Despite the Buffalo Chronicle's constant propaganda, it's also evident they had an insider to feed them details about JWR, SNC & PMJT to skewer
Timing between Kinsella & the Buffalo Chronicle is also suspect (supported by CBC data analysis). Just as it was suspect throughout the blackface scandal that I covered in my previous investigation
See here
I also heard from @wnymedia, whose past news coverage of Matthew Ricchiazzi (Buffalo Chronicle) was relied upon in my investigation
(PS. Thanks for keeping your archived media available)
They contributed this
Also to @wnymedia as well as @buffalopundit, I didn't have time to chase down every possible detail. Our election is on Monday & we need Elections Canada + RCMP on top of this pronto. The rest will come but I had to break the levee 1st
Thread Part 2
This made me chuckle
To help @wnymedia & @buffalopundit understand, it was necessary to explain all that to activate our law enforcement + election oversight, as well as voters & First Nations
@wnymedia & @buffalopundit may not be aware that Buffalo Chronicle was engaged in demoralizing our #Indigenous population to *suppress the vote*
Our current liberal prime minister got a majority with their support & this was meddling
I accept @buffalopundit is upset
I didn't mean "represent" as in legally, but rather socially. I get how you would split hairs - apologies
I did include the video of your 'indictment' + link to your full copy
Regarding @buffalopundit & Erie County client, I gather Ricchiazzi is attacking you for a fabricated conflict of interest. I'm not. Didn't mean that at all. Just that you know him well enough via municipal politics to be able to opine
As for the Russian account, I accept your response but I also couldn't know how or why a suspicious account became involved. I gather you can't answer either. Hope you appreciate why Canada would try to vet it
I empathize that @wnymedia & @buffalopundit have been contending with Ricchiazzi et al for a long time. In Canada it's the equivalent of Rebel Media. But please recognize that we're in that same battle right now
And what's at stake is the validity of our federal election in 3 days. With only 3 days (& 2 of them are a weekend) we have precious little time to scramble, @wnymedia @buffalopundit
I had to get as much possible on record beforehand
That one's a little harsh, @wnymedia @buffalopundit
If you could exhale for a moment, you're stuck with a president that needs impeaching. I'm just trying to prevent getting deadlocked in the same nightmare
I doubt we're very far apart in our ultimate viewpoints, @wnymedia @buffalopundit
Please try to understand that what I published had to exist more for the purpose of initiating an electoral investigation, rather than an interest piece
This is election is like none we've ever seen before, where our prime minister has to wear a bulletproof vest to be able to campaign. The threats are real & its not the Canada we know. It's downright incredible @wnymedia @buffalopundit
Also, it's not like we can investigate Frank Parlato, Matt Ricchiazzi or Roger Stone from Canada. We would need the FBI's assistance. In Canada all our records are private so we can't look up bank accounts, etc @wnymedia @buffalopundit
You said it was possible to connect Matthew Ricchiazzi with Roger Stone in a matter of a few calls. By any chance would you care to lend us a hand by linking evidence or pointing us in the right direction? @wnymedia @buffalopundit
@buffalopundit I am sorry that I'm offside with you for now. Hopefully this can be an awkward start to an odd friendship. I want you to know that I'm not censoring your comments on my site, just waiting till after election to post them
I wish y'all the best & just so its clear, my only goal is ensuring we have a fair election. That already doesn't look possible so I've prepped for the contingency as best I can with time & resources available @wnymedia @buffalopundit