@SpeakerPelosi can easily override a Trump veto.
18 @SenateGOP are running in 2020 and supporting a Kurdish & Christian #genocide is a losing strategy.

@SenatorCollins ME
@joniernst IA
@SenCoryGardner CO
@JohnCornyn TX
@SenateMajLdr KY
@SenThomTillis NC
@SteveDaines MT
@SenDavidPerdue GA
@SenDanSullivan AK
@LindseyGrahamSC SC
@SenatorRounds SD
@SenatorRisch ID
@BillCassidy LA
@SenTomCotton AR
@BenSasse NE
@jiminhofe OK
@SenCapito WV
Corner the safe ones on it. @MSNBC @PhilipRucker @mkraju
It's pretty simple: If we pour it on the @GOP we may save Syrian #Kurds & #Christians and also tee up the Senate to remove Trump.
Time to show these folks what motivated #LiberalTwitter can do. 😎