, 497 tweets, 4859 min read
If people read US Defense Secretacy @EsperDoD speech, it is clear that USArmy is not between Turkish Army and PKK Terrorists,the later one (PKK) is called as ally by USA
@Newsweek @Independent @ehamedya @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu After @EsperDoD speech, according to agreement between Turkish Army & US Army, (all US ground troops GPS coordinates have aldreay given), Turkish AirForce and other forces started to bomb some locations in west part of Ayn El Arab (PKK renamed it as Kobani)
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu That is clear that Western Media are trying to spread "fake news" against US President @realDonaldTrump to be able to create an pressure in public. Already Turkey continues to operation according to the talk between Mr. Trump and President of Turkey, Mr. @RTErdogan.
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan If we read what Mr. @realDonaldTrump says and we catch from his sentences, that is clear he has no limit with Turkey can continue the operation even until Raqqa & Deyz El Zor. But Turkey aim is to reach M4 Highway and Prisons where ISIS hold are out of M4 Highway
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan According to Mr. @realDonaldTrump
sentences, only if US agree with Turkey, Turkey maybe will move deeper. But then USA should take its all soldiers out of Syria or move to Al Tanf
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan According to my very very limited knowledge about the USA strategies and Turkish Army operation, that is what it seems to me. IF USA says ISIS will be responsible of Turkey,then US won't care Syria anymore where Turkish Army started "Peace Operation" for people against PKK terror
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan I believe Mr @realDonaldTrump already suffer a lot from "fake news" of US Media,More fake news intend to bring Mr. Trump to the corner and make him loose the presidency While these are happening,it is very strange that some US Secretaries and US Army give speechs againt President
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan Maybe right question for @Newsweek @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost and other media,
Who are trying to make a coup against Mr. President @realDonaldTrump and his government by using Syria decisions of him. Is there any coup attempts at @WhiteHouse?
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse And Does the media have the role in this "coup attempt"? If the coup attempt in political way fails, then will some US Army forces be used against Mr. President @realDonaldTrump? Or Are the world going to see 2nd JFK case? I hope Mr. Trump will handle all these coup attempts.
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse As I mentioned as in my first messages, there should be some coordination. @tcsavunma announced that Turkey already know the US army points in Syria and prevent bombing these places. So, US Media were trying to provacate people against Mr President @realDonaldTrump
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma I advice US Media to follow some Turkish Journalists to learn the news about the joint operation of Turkish Army and Syrian National Army. @haskologlu shows on his video how PKK & some American journalists/media are trolling American Citizens and the World
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma Here are some examples from the video how @Whitehouse are under attack by some trolls and unfortunately some US officials and Senators like @LindseyGrahamSC are using smilar ways. That is why I ask who aims to have the coup attempt in DC against @realDonaldTrump and @WhiteHouse?
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC One of most pitty thing is that many US Journalists, Strategists and some officials does not know about the region well and they just talk with half information. In Turkey we have one phrase "Half doctor (fake one but pretend being doctor) cause the patient to die"
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC If it needs the example, my first example is @Joyce_Karam. She is Washington Correspondent but she has big courage to talk about Turkey and the symbols of the country. But his tweet shows she needs to educate herself to learn region she writes about as journalist❗️🤣
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam Another example will be from @Elizrael @AKMcKeever. When they hear the word "PIG" used in regions, Arabs, Turks, Kurds or Persians, they think it means different. Calm down guys.. Just learn how to search Google and use Google Translate.
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever But when the words checked in Dictionaries, then people can find out the different meaning of PIG. Even in English-English Dictionary, it has different usage and meaning.
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever So, I strongly advice to US Government to have some budget to educate such people which behaves like "troll" with half knowledge about the Middle East. Then, they try to shape US Government policies to be able to give right decisions on behalf of USA benefits.
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever Sorry, that makes only people in Middle East laugh more about American journalists, srategists and newspapers. If US send these people to Turkey, sure we can take them into "education camp" for a week to learn something quicker. At least they ll make less mistake :).
Good Luck.
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever If Mr @realDonaldTrump decide to help these journalists education, He would ask Mr @RTErdogan to arrange short but fast education for American journalists and strategists. They will learn a lot. If I have time, sure I would like to give some courses them too :)
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri Does Mr @realDonaldTrump know that @CENTCOM backed SDF (PKK Terrorists) killed Assyrians in North East part of Syria. When @brett_mcgurk was in Syria, Assyrians were being killed by US ally SDF (PKK). Following file should be read by Mr Trump advisors.
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk When @VP of USA @mike_pence Pence had speech about Religious Freedoom including Middle East, SDF (a branch of PKK in Syria) have had pressure in same time and SDF is very close friend of @brett_mcgurk. So @realDonaldTrump have to ask Brett about the killing of Assyrians by SDF
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence BBC: Syria Kurds 'razing villages seized from IS' - Amnesty
"Kurdish forces have carried out a wave of forced displacement and mass house demolitions - amounting to war crimes - in northern Syria, a rights group says."
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph Is Antifada legal in US Government eyes or someone in US Gov bureocracy aims terror inside USA to they close the eyes that SDF (previous name YPG) train Antifada and other western terrorists
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @OANN @JackPosobiec Are USA & Europe ready to confront with Western Terrorists trained by YPG=SDF=PKK? In fact USA & Europe have to thank Turkey to clean Western Terrorists which is threat against USA&Europe!
"Anarchists in Rojava announce formation of IRPGF (March 2017)
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @OANN @JackPosobiec @CNN "Inside violent anarchist group Antifa" (19 Aug 2017)

Is Mr @realDonaldTrump going to allow some powerfull ppl in US bureacracy to use Antifada against @Whitehouse? That reminds me "Designated Survivor" film.
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @OANN @JackPosobiec This is how some powers in US bureocracy and Army go against @realDonaldTrump, probably they order SDF (PKK) to fire Turkish Army and when TurkishArmy gives response, SDF prays that USA Soldiers should die. Who plans the coup against @POTUS? USA needs to solve that

@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @OANN @JackPosobiec @POTUS @Doranimated US officially accept they make cooperation with terrorist organization, PKK, in Syria.
"That partner has been the SDF, a major component of which has been the YPG, which is the Syrian offshoot of the PKK. That, of course, is the problem for Turkey, ...."
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @OANN @JackPosobiec @POTUS @Doranimated US Generals were happy to have picture with the terrorist, Sahin Cilo, but @brett_mcgurk and such ppl changed his name as Mazlum Kobane, General Mazlum etc.
@CENTCOM @SOJTFOIR gave promise him to prevent Turkish Army operation to protect PKK
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @OANN @JackPosobiec @POTUS @Doranimated @SOJTFOIR @SOJTFOIR General Nicholas Pond told SDF/PKK their aim with "Security Mechanism" is to prevent the operation of Turkish Army. It showed @DeptofDefense & @CENTCOM have never thought to realize their words what they told to Turkey.
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @OANN @JackPosobiec @POTUS @Doranimated @SOJTFOIR @DeptofDefense US Army Generals were always together with terrorists who killed Turkish Soldiers in different time. That is why Mr @realDonaldTrump should consider what is happening in US Army and Bureochracy and some guys go against him to have coup attempt maybe.
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @OANN @JackPosobiec @POTUS @Doranimated @SOJTFOIR @DeptofDefense @CENTCOM @SOJTFOIR calls Ferhad Abdi Şahin as Mazloum Kobani Abdi, but he is terrorist in the list of terrorists, INTERPOL informed. So US Army brought the situation that US helped the terrorism and that can be called as a coup attempt against @realDonaldTrump and @mike_pence
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @OANN @JackPosobiec @POTUS @Doranimated @SOJTFOIR @DeptofDefense @JulianRoepcke @BILD That kind of SDF=PKK propaganda and lies to manipulate the world is not first and sure it won't be last. The problem is US and World media. They spread the propaganda purposely and they give the support SDF=PKK terrorism.
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @OANN @JackPosobiec @POTUS @Doranimated @SOJTFOIR @DeptofDefense @JulianRoepcke @BILD When some newspapers/TV/journalist spread that lies in USA, that is clear it is not only they hate from Turkey but also they hate from @POTUS & @VP who are elected in democratic way. The spreading of terrorist proganda in US media aim to destroy legal US Governance and change it.
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @OANN @JackPosobiec @POTUS @Doranimated @SOJTFOIR @DeptofDefense @JulianRoepcke @BILD Since US started to cooperate with YPG=SDF=PKK, they used US Army to destroy local people. Lots of news can be found in world media how YPG=SDF was threating people if they don't leave and give the lands to PKK. Local ppl have been forced to leave or they could be killed
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @OANN @JackPosobiec @POTUS @Doranimated @SOJTFOIR @DeptofDefense @JulianRoepcke @BILD @AJENews The following video on the link shows how SDF=PKK have been getting prepared and how to spread to manipulate public in USA, Europe & rest of World. Unfortunately Some Western media and journalists are volunteer to manipulate and spread FAKE NEWS
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @OANN @JackPosobiec @POTUS @Doranimated @SOJTFOIR @DeptofDefense @JulianRoepcke @BILD @AJENews US Army ally SDF=PKK threatened USA to release thousands of ISIS members from prisons.
This was published on @nytimes in December 20, 2018. This shows clearly how SDF fighted against ISIS!. Now,ISIS is a tool for SDF to let ISIS members to kill US Soldiers
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @OANN @JackPosobiec @POTUS @Doranimated @SOJTFOIR @DeptofDefense @JulianRoepcke @BILD @AJENews @DavidLammy @Charles_Lister @BBC @AP @AFP @RT_com That is clear Mr @LindseyGrahamSC is trying to bring a coup against American People's interest. Sure USA citizens wonder for who Mr. Graham works for? For American people or someone else outside of USA? Is Graham trying to convince some Americans to have coup against Trump?
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @OANN @JackPosobiec @POTUS @Doranimated @SOJTFOIR @DeptofDefense @JulianRoepcke @BILD @AJENews @DavidLammy @Charles_Lister @BBC @AP @AFP @RT_com I just wonder what Mr Graham does not understand? When USA accepts official YPG=SDF=PKK for several years including Mr Grahamhimself some years ago and now Mr Graham want to say SDF=PKK was terrorist but now I dont accept as terrorists? Then why should USA Citzens trust Graham?
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @OANN @JackPosobiec @POTUS @Doranimated @SOJTFOIR @DeptofDefense @JulianRoepcke @BILD @AJENews @DavidLammy @Charles_Lister @BBC @AP @AFP @RT_com When Mr Graham was asking questions to Defense Secratary Ashton Carter about YPG and PKK, then Graham told US official reports since 2013 says SDF is a part of PKK. Which Mr Graham tell lies? The one in 2016 or the one in 2019?
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @OANN @JackPosobiec @POTUS @Doranimated @SOJTFOIR @DeptofDefense @JulianRoepcke @BILD @AJENews @DavidLammy @Charles_Lister @BBC @AP @AFP @RT_com Dear Mr President @realDonaldTrump
Many Turks have believed that USA helped PKK during/after 1. Gulf War (1991). That time Turkish Army Chief gave order to shoot any copters entering into Turkish Airspace to help PKK. Would you check if Pentagon and/or CIA had covert operations?
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @OANN @JackPosobiec @POTUS @Doranimated @SOJTFOIR @DeptofDefense @JulianRoepcke @BILD @AJENews @DavidLammy @Charles_Lister @BBC @AP @AFP @RT_com @LelandVittert @Gulnuray It seems like US newspapers/TV and journalists does not know anything what they talk about and they just behave like they know everything but they show only how they are ignorant. As Mr Trump says some of them just know how to spread #FAKENEWS. I advise them how to use SEARCH :)
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @OANN @JackPosobiec @POTUS @Doranimated @SOJTFOIR @DeptofDefense @JulianRoepcke @BILD @AJENews @DavidLammy @Charles_Lister @BBC @AP @AFP @RT_com @LelandVittert @Gulnuray Or if @brett_mcgurk knows how to use the search engines like Google, Bing or Russian Yandex (🤣), then just type as it was shown on screenshots. If you need some more question, please don't hesitate to ask to learn the TRUTH. I would answer even the person who is famous liar❗️
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @OANN @JackPosobiec @POTUS @Doranimated @SOJTFOIR @DeptofDefense @JulianRoepcke @BILD @AJENews @DavidLammy @Charles_Lister @BBC @AP @AFP @RT_com @LelandVittert @Gulnuray Dear President @realDonaldTrump
Pls, Would you check the covert operations to bring some Kurds from Iraq, Turkey and from other Middle East countries to USA to train them against the region countries. Wasnt it around 1991 and after? Sure USA knows the potential ones from records
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @OANN @JackPosobiec @POTUS @Doranimated @SOJTFOIR @DeptofDefense @JulianRoepcke @BILD @AJENews @DavidLammy @Charles_Lister @BBC @AP @AFP @RT_com @LelandVittert @Gulnuray Maybe @brett_mcgurk and his friends could inform you about these how many potential terrorists already were brought into USA to break the stability inside of USA and attempt a coup against The President when @POTUS does not listen them. Just be careful and clean your surronding❗️
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @OANN @JackPosobiec @POTUS @Doranimated @SOJTFOIR @DeptofDefense @JulianRoepcke @BILD @AJENews @DavidLammy @Charles_Lister @BBC @AP @AFP @RT_com @LelandVittert @Gulnuray @dbdevletbahceli I think @POTUS should change all staff who lead US policies about Turkey. If they make such mistakes following another one, that means US Foreign Ministry, Pentagon and other organizations have failed about their foresight. US needs to change its current politics related with TR
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @OANN @JackPosobiec @POTUS @Doranimated @SOJTFOIR @DeptofDefense @JulianRoepcke @BILD @AJENews @DavidLammy @Charles_Lister @BBC @AP @AFP @RT_com @LelandVittert @Gulnuray @dbdevletbahceli It seems Mr @realDonaldTrump just woke up and he started to send tweets again. When he mention SDF/PKK released some ISIS terorists, he shows that possiblity. He mentions about embargo against Turkey too but Turkey had embargo after 1974. But as answer,Turkey closed all US bases
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @OANN @JackPosobiec @POTUS @Doranimated @SOJTFOIR @DeptofDefense @JulianRoepcke @BILD @AJENews @DavidLammy @Charles_Lister @BBC @AP @AFP @RT_com @LelandVittert @Gulnuray @dbdevletbahceli That was the main break point for Turkey to improve its own Defense Industry. That is how Turkey use its own production today when having the operations against terrorists inSyria. New sanctions will bring new opportunities in different fields but in long term US will lose again
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @OANN @JackPosobiec @POTUS @Doranimated @SOJTFOIR @DeptofDefense @JulianRoepcke @BILD @AJENews @DavidLammy @Charles_Lister @BBC @AP @AFP @RT_com @LelandVittert @Gulnuray @dbdevletbahceli As businessmen backgroud, @realDonaldTrump will look for the cooperation and joint companies to develop together instead of new sactions on Turkey. Probably he is aware of that he could lose more market and Turkey could grap some of them. But sure Russia will get big advantage.
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @OANN @JackPosobiec @POTUS @Doranimated @SOJTFOIR @DeptofDefense @JulianRoepcke @BILD @AJENews @DavidLammy @Charles_Lister @BBC @AP @AFP @RT_com @LelandVittert @Gulnuray @dbdevletbahceli @ismailsaymaz @StateDept @SecPompeo @fahrettinaltun We know you Americans didn't do that first time. President Johnson made similar mistake in 1964 as you do know and USA thought to bomb Blue Mosque in Istanbul. We Turks never scare. We prefer being hungry but not to give our freedom & country to Horse Thieves (remember 1800s USA)
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @OANN @JackPosobiec @POTUS @Doranimated @SOJTFOIR @DeptofDefense @JulianRoepcke @BILD @AJENews @DavidLammy @Charles_Lister @BBC @AP @AFP @RT_com @LelandVittert @Gulnuray @dbdevletbahceli @ismailsaymaz @StateDept @SecPompeo When I come end of my letter, I think you will think one more... You will be quiet and good guy with Turks or you will choose your side and Turks will never ever forget you as we don't forget President Lyndon B. Johnson. You can ask our enemies who Turks are.
Take care
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @OANN @JackPosobiec @Twitter @jack @trt @trthaber @trtworld @SecPompeo @MevlutCavusoglu @eha_medya @ABC @BBC @NBCNews @Doranimated @SpeakerPelosi According to @Charles_Lister, the terrorist organization leader, Ferdi Abdi Şahin / Mazlum Kobani does not accept the agreement between Turkey & USA. He says he can accept only partially. If he behaves so,we can say that the agreement and promise given by USA is already collapsed
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @OANN @JackPosobiec @Twitter @jack @trt @trthaber @trtworld @SecPompeo @MevlutCavusoglu @eha_medya @ABC @BBC @NBCNews @Doranimated @SpeakerPelosi @Charles_Lister @anadoluagency @anadoluajansi @mutludc @vvanwilgenburg @spekkers According to SDF=PKK sources, SDF=PKK does not accept the agreement between Turkey & USA where USA promise Turkey to force SDF=PKK withdraw Turkey's safe zone. But USA ally SDF=PKK leader says they won't... Probably these 5 days will be used only move new terrorists to fight
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @OANN @JackPosobiec @Twitter @jack @trt @trthaber @trtworld @SecPompeo @MevlutCavusoglu @eha_medya @ABC @BBC @NBCNews @Doranimated @SpeakerPelosi @Charles_Lister @anadoluagency @anadoluajansi @mutludc @vvanwilgenburg When I read James F Jeffrey speech again and again, I think he could have talked in more diplomatic way. That speech only bring more questions into people mind in Turkey, USA and other countries. If there is no correction about the speech and agreement,then The AGREEMENT is DEATH
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @OANN @JackPosobiec @Twitter @jack @trt @trthaber @trtworld @SecPompeo @MevlutCavusoglu @eha_medya @ABC @BBC @NBCNews @Doranimated @SpeakerPelosi @TSKGnkur @fuatoktay @NATO @sigmargabriel @MFATurkey Dear @realDonaldTrump
Your terrorist ally SDF=YPG=PKK have big tunnel network in Rasul Ayn, one of them captured by Syrian National Army. The tunnel is more than 15 km. As long as Turks and Syrians find new tunnels, we ll see exact km. You should take PKK to DC to build tunnels
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @OANN @JackPosobiec @Twitter @jack @trt @trthaber @trtworld @SecPompeo @MevlutCavusoglu @eha_medya @ABC @BBC @NBCNews @Doranimated @SpeakerPelosi @TSKGnkur @fuatoktay @NATO @EmmanuelMacron @Unlsy8383 According to rumours/news now, USA is really going to invite the terror group's leaders into USA. That will make clear how USA supports the terrorists. Probably in middle term, USA will have problems with its own citizens who will speak more loud against terrorism.
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @OANN @JackPosobiec @Twitter @jack @trt @trthaber @trtworld @SecPompeo @MevlutCavusoglu @eha_medya @ABC @BBC @NBCNews @Doranimated @SpeakerPelosi @TSKGnkur @fuatoktay @NATO @EmmanuelMacron @Unlsy8383 @tcsavunma: "While the withdrawal of PKK/YPG terrorists from the region in 120 hours is being closely monitored, there is no attempt to prevent them from leaving and the information concerning the roads to be used safely was transmitted to the US military authorities."
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @OANN @JackPosobiec @Twitter @jack @trt @trthaber @trtworld @SecPompeo @MevlutCavusoglu @eha_medya @ABC @BBC @KremlinRussia_E @BILD_English @TIME @guardian @SputnikInt @JuhaymanH President @RTErdogan gives clear messages by telling some parts of Turkish Anthem. That is clear message to other countries and also in domestic to show how he stay strong against the enemies of Turkey. As long as the deal with Russia goes ok, then this words will be more strong
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @OANN @JackPosobiec @Twitter @jack @trt @trthaber @trtworld @SecPompeo @MevlutCavusoglu @eha_medya @ABC @BBC @KremlinRussia_E @BILD_English @TIME @guardian @SputnikInt @JuhaymanH Dear @realDonaldTrump
Why did you delete your tweet? Won't you bring the US soldiers back to their home? Will you let them to die for terrorists ally of SDF=PKK=YPG?Will they continue to die for nothing / other's people's war?" US citizens are looking forward to having them back
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @laraseligman @Europol @DeptofDefense @StateDept @BBC @AFP @medreyata @Stratfor @Doranimated @AP @ABC @Charles_Lister @HillaryClinton @SpeakerPelosi @SecPompeo @ForeignPolicy @NBCNews @USEmbassyTurkey @POTUS @Scavino45 @DanScavino @WilfredFrost But the real problem in USA Media (probably some bureaucrats in USA encourage them),they started to talk so much about US Nuclear Bombs hosted in Turkey. But they never mention how long USA have kept them and for what? Of course it was for US security against Soviet, today Russia
@EsperDoD @Newsweek @Independent @ragipsoylu @OmerOzkizilcik @malikejder_ @haskologlu @realDonaldTrump @RTErdogan @CNN @FoxNews @nytimes @washingtonpost @WhiteHouse @tcsavunma @LindseyGrahamSC @Joyce_Karam @Elizrael @AKMcKeever @TC_Disisleri @CENTCOM @brett_mcgurk @VP @mike_pence @Telegraph @laraseligman @Europol @DeptofDefense @StateDept @BBC @AFP @medreyata @Stratfor @Doranimated @AP @ABC @Charles_Lister @HillaryClinton @SpeakerPelosi @SecPompeo @ForeignPolicy @NBCNews @USEmbassyTurkey @POTUS @Scavino45 @DanScavino @WilfredFrost So, It is better for everyone, not only USA and/or Turkey but also for the Middle East and the world is to calm down. I hope USA will stop threatening , making cooperation with terrorist group (SDF=YPG=PKK) and understand the real dynamics of the Middle East unlike Neocons does.
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