Khalsas of 10 SIKH and 20 SIKH, KIA in the accursed Valley this day in 1990 and 1999 respectively

Capt Rudolph David Rosario, VrC (P)
This day in 1962, he was commanding a company of 2 Sikh LI at a bridge on the Sela-Jang Road, short of Tawang.
The enemy was nearing.

In order to gather more info, he took out a patrol to find out the condition of the bridge across river Tawang Chu and whether the enemy was making any attempts to reconstruct it.
The patrol came under mortar fire. Realising the danger to his men, he deployed the patrol & moved forward alone towards the bridge.
As he approached within 500 yards of the bridge, the enemy opened a heavy volume of machine gun & small arms fire from the far bank of the river. Undaunted, Captain Rosario crawled forward to about 150 yards & collected vital information.
In this operation, Capt Rosario remained under continuous heavy enemy mortar, machine gun and small arms fire for over thirty minutes.
In subsequent operations too, when enemy contacted his main defences at Sela Pass, Capt Rosario gave an excellent account of himself. Later, while withdrawing, he brought out 1 officer & 6 of his men, but himself died from injuries sustained during the action.
Capt Rudolph David Rosario was awarded a posthumous Vir Chakra for gallantry in face of tremendous odds.
He was a mere 23 years and 9 months old on the day he gave up his young life for the sake of his nation.

A Name Upon A Grave
On the unsung dead of the Indian Army
Worth a read
Lt Col Ajit Bhandarkar, Shaurya Chakra (Posthumous)
This day in 1999, Lt Col Ajit's unit had received intelligence inputs about the presence of militants in Faizalabad village in Poonch district.

After assessing the situation, a decision was taken to launch an operation under the leadership of Lt Col Ajit . A cordon and search operation was launched to eliminate five hardcore militants hiding in the village.
The first one was dispatched soon enough.
A second militant hiding inside the nullah, however, fired indiscriminately, and injured Lt Col Ajit grievously. Despite being injured, he moved ahead and lobbed a grenade on the militants.
He then crawled forward and shot down yet another militant. His daredevil action resulted in the elimination of three hardcore militants.
Lt Col Ajit , however later succumbed to his injuries and was martyred.
A grateful nation further honoured Lt Col Ajit Bhandarkar's supreme sacrifice by awarding him a posthumous Shaurya Chakra

Martyrs of 141 Medium Regiment (Kargil) in Op Vijay - They fell on the Path of Glory for the Paltan

Hav Rajendra Singh, Nk Surendra Bahadur, Hav Tej Ram & Nk Ummed Ali.
6 RajRif lost these four men this day 18 yrs ago
A Bir Gorkhali brother, martyred fighting in the accursed 'Jannat', this day 19 years ago

Subedar Surendra Singh Ahlawat, Corps of Engineers.
18th Martyrdom anniversary today.
Flt Lt Clifford Joseph Mendoza, his crew and passengers, that were martyred when their Dakota crashed #2dayin1947 near the Banihal Pass.
Other crew members were - Fg Offr Umesh Sunder Thonse, Fg Offr Trevor Reginald Peters, LAC R Singh and LAC Madan Prakash

These were the 20 Air Warriors that were being ferried by the ill fated aircraft.
Details courtesy :

Maj Puran Singh, VrC (Posth)
Fell this day in 1965 in a patrol clash with Pakis in Rajasthan

Maj Ravi Vaish, 5/11 Gorkha Rifles. This young man, from Aliganj, Lucknow was martyred in an ambush in Ukhrul, Manipur this day in 2007. He was on deputation to 1st Battalion The Assam Rifles at that time.

Hav Gyaneshwar Prasad and Rifleman H Sahini, 1 Assam Rifles. Also martyred in the same ambush with Maj Ravi Vaish.
'Follow Me' is the best way to command & Indian Army officers prove it time and again.
Comes at a VERY heavy cost, though.

Martyrs of 3 Bihar and 17 Bihar, remembered on the joyous occasion of the units' Raising Day

L/Nk Sukhdev Singh, 8 SIKH.
Fell in the Valley this day 26 years ago, fighting unwanted scum from across

Sep Bhosale Mahendra Ganpat, 15th Battalion The Maratha Light Infantry.
Martyred this day 21 years ago.
LNk Dwarka Nath, 9 Punjab. Martyred in 2002
Two different Hoshiar Singhs.
Two different units.
Two different operations.
One single flag.
OUR Flag.

31 Oct 1984
Nb Sub Jang Bahadur Singh (Retd), Bombay Sappers.
Employed as an engineer in DDA.
Involved in organising the 1982 Asiad Games.
This veteran soldier/engineer was murdered by frenzied mobs on streets of Delhi after a 'big tree had fallen'.

Refer three tweets above.
Sep Rajinder Singh, 22 Punjab earned a Shaurya Chakra in his final battlefield.
God bless his soul
Lt Col Shanti Swaroop Rana, Ashok Chakra (Marnoparant) was commissioned into 3 Bihar
This day 23 years ago he was serving with 13 Rashtriya Rifles, when he was tasked with destroying two terrorist camps inside the infamous Haphruda Forest near Kupwara.

He spotted 4 well fortified hideouts stocked heavily with arms & ammo including huge quantity of explosives.
In a gallant and swift strike, he destroyed these hideouts.
Soon another well concealed hideout came to his notice.
During the action that followed, the terrorists resorted to heavy firing from their well fortified bunker. Lt Col Rana organised his troops, crawled towards the bunker and threw hand grenades inside.
Consequent to this, two foreign terrorists rushed out of the bunker, firing heavily. However, Lt Col Rana dispatched them to their maker instantly.
But another group of terrorists opened up on Rana and his men from yet another hidden location, wounding Lt Col Rana seriously.
Undaunted, he kept guiding further ops by shouting commands to his men and they dutifully finished off those terrorists as well.
Soon, he saw another terrorist moving towards his men from a concealed location.
With no time to warn them, Rana summoned all his remaining strength & despite his serious injuries, CHARGED into the terrorist & killed him too in an audacious hand to hand combat
In the process, however, this Veer Bihari, born in the land of brave Jats, finally breathed his last.
But he had done his bit, saving the lives of his boys, more than living up to the Chewode Motto that he and all other Indian Army officers swear by.

He was awarded a posthumous Ashok Chakra for his audacious gallantry and supreme sacrifice.

Nk Darshan Singh, Maha Vir Chakra (Posth), 5 Sikh LI
Martyred 54 years ago
This one showed first hand what leadership under fire means.

This day in 1965, Nk Darshan Singh was ordered to lead his section to destroy a Paki bunker in Mendhar, J&K.
Even though heavily defended, the bunker had to go because it was making the lives of own troops difficult.
As ordered, Darshan Singh moved out towards the objective, and charged, leading his men from the front.
Soon, however, his left leg was blown off by a landmine.
Undaunted, this Khalsa of Gobind continued to crawl forward towards an ever thickening wall of fire and closed in with the enemy, exhorting his men.
As he was cutting the barbed wire obstacle right next to the offending bunker, he crawled over yet another mine which wounded him even more severely and immobilizing him.
Yet he kept on a steady barrage of fire on the enemy, accounting for quite a few.
At the same time, his men, charged up by the sheer audacity of their fearless leader, closed in with the enemy and dispatched each and every one of them to their maker.
The offending bunker was soon captured by the Khalsas of 5 Sikh LI, but at the cost of the life of their brave leader.
Nk Darshan Singh, having overseen the successful accomplishment of the task assigned to him, breathed his last.
A grateful nation acknowledged his supreme sacrifice by conferring a posthumous Maha Vir Chakra upon him.

Subedar Piara Singh, Vir Chakra (Posthumous).
Probably martyred in the same operation as Nk Darshan Singh above.

Constable Tapan Mondal, BSF.
Second martyrdom anniversary of this one today.
Was martyred on 02 Nov 2017 when his patrolling party was ambushed by Pakis in Samba, J&K

Signalman Kushwah Pradip Singh and Sepoy Suraj Singh.
These two were martyred fighting Paki scum in Pulwama this day last year.
Today is their second martyrdom anniversary.
Wonder how many of us remember them ..

Maj P Purushottam, Defence PRO, Srinagar.
Sacrificed himeself in order to save the journos sitting with him in his office, when a group of terrorists stormed in. He hid the journalists & even though unarmed, engaged the terrorists.

He fell, fatally wounded, but not before ensuring that his charges were safe. NONE of them suffered any injuries whatsoever, thanks to the supreme sacrifice of Maj Purushottam.
The five other Defence PRO personnel who too were martyred in the same attack with Maj Purushottam this day in 1999
Khalsas of the Sikh Regiment, that fell in the Valley this day in 1990 & 2000 respectively.
Still remembered
Still missed

This day in 1965, 7 Sikh lost 20 men capturing a hilltop called the OP Hill.
They fell, but ensured a spectacular success for their Paltan

Maj Somnath Sharma, Param Vir Chakra (Marnoparant)
Became immortal this day in 1947.
Recounting his last day alive in subsequent tweets.

This day in 1947, at 8am, Maj Somnath Sharma, 4 Kumaon & Capt Ronnie Wood, 1 Kumaon reported to HQ 161 Brigade to discuss the day's patrol pgme.
Maj Somnath was a veteran of bitter battles in Arakan in WW2.
His right arm was still in plaster due to a hockey injury suffered when playing with his troops some days ago.
This is probably one of his last photos alive, taken at the Srinagar Airfield.

Ignoring medical advice, he had bulldozed his way into joining his own Company as it flew into the Valley on 01 Nov 1947

This day, two Companies of 4 Kumaon moved out on a patrol towards Badgam, followed shortly by another company of 1 Kumaon.
The Company of 1 Kumaon subsequently moved on towards Magam and thereafter returned to the airfield at about 1 pm
That done, Maj Somnath was also ordered to start thinning out. At 2pm, one Company of 4 Kumaon moved back.
Maj Somnath reported that all was quiet with villagers going about their daily business.
Little did he know that there was a huge force of raiders was gathering in the vicinity, trying to skirt the Pattan route blocked by 1 Sikh.
Had the second Company too moved back at 2pm, this route to airfield would have been unguarded.
Too bad for the enemy, it wasn't so.
At about 2.30pm,Maj Somnath reported that he was under ineffective, long range fire from ppl located in houses in Badgam but he wasn't returning the fire for the fear of hurting innocent villagers.
Suddenly, a large force appeared in front.
A full scale frontal attack was now underway on his location, with the Kumaonis hugely outnumbered by the enemy.
The firing from the houses in Badgam was just a distraction as the main force of raiders built up on a different flank.
Yet the tenacious Kumaonis, under their gutsy leader, dug in and refused to cede any ground to their uninvited 'guests'.
The enemy had made a militarily brilliant plan which, but for one small fact - the Kumaonis under Maj Somnath Sharma refused to play by their rules - that plan was doomed to failure.
An epic battle followed, upon which would hinge the fate of the entire campaign - If the raiders captured the airfield, all would be lost and the troops ahead would be outflanked.
Upon the Kumaonis rested the fate of the Valley this day.
And they rose to the occasion, ensuring that the airfield would not fall .. not this day, not on their watch in any case.
Maj Somnath reported that he was engaging the enemy with all he had, but he was outnumbered & enemy was gaining ground.
Even as automatics and mortars rained deadly fire on them & covered the advancing enemy, Maj Somnath Sharma rallied his boys and hey fought back like men possessed, inflicting serious casualties on the raiders, losing their own too, in the process.
Soon HQ 161 Brigade would receive his last transmission from battlefield, that would define the last stand of Maj Somnath Sharma.
Words that echo to this day ..
"The enemy are only 50 yards from us. We are heavily outnumbered. We are under devastating fire. I shall not withdraw an inch but will fight to the last man & last round"
Immortal last words by the Paramveer who went down shortly thereafter.
This man didn't have to be there.
In fact he had been ORDERED to stay in Delhi due to his injury.
Yet he chose to go on with his boys and made a place for himself in Indian military history.
But his story doesn't finish with his martyrdom. It carries on .

By the time the epic Battle of Badgam was over, less than 100 Kumaonis had held back nearly 700 raiders & saved the airfield.
The Kumaonis lost 15 killed, including Maj Somnath Sharma and 26 wounded. 1 ammo truck too was looted by enemy but they failed their objective, losing many more than they killed.
This was the closest they would get to the Airfield.
Hereafter, the raiders would 'advance' in only one direction - BACK to where they came from, i.e Westwards.
However, the danger to the airfield was still not over.
In evening, 1 Punjab moved double quick to take up more blocking positions to secure the airfield.
Now at night,they waited.
The airfield was still vulnerable. Another determined attack by the enemy, and it could still fall .. especially at night.
Yet the enemy failed to make good this opportunity of a lifetime.
Khurshid, the leader of that party was injured in the leg by a bullet.
Leaderless, the Pathans dithered on further course of action.
Ironically, Maj Somnath Sharma had saved the airfield not only in the afternoon through his supreme sacrifice, but at night too by leaving the raiders leaderless.
So much so, that on return to Karachi, Khurshid - the leader of the raiders in that battle - stated that he'd run into an entire Indian Brigade and ROUTED it, when it was just one company of less than 100 troops that he'd encountered!
A few months later, Khurshid died, possibly of the same wounds that he had suffered at the hands of Maj Somnath's boys in Badgam.
Atleast now he could reconcile the Indians' strength with his Maker.
Maj Somnath's body was recovered after three days, once the situation had stabilized.
Disfigured beyond recognition, it was identified by the few pages of the Bhagwad Gita that he always kept in his pocket & his empty pistol holster.
Major Somnath Sharma had lived, and died by the code of the warrior.
And claimed for himself the first Param Vir Chakra awarded by the Nation.
The story of Maj Somnath Sharma, PVC (P), telecast in the 80s in the TV series 'Param Vir Chakra'
God bless him and his men that fell that afternoon, 72 years ago.
Let their story never be forgotten.

Sg CT Abdul Salam, JKP who attained martyrdom this day two years ago in a terror attack at Rajpora, Shopian

This lad made the supreme sacrifice for us in the Valley 18 years ago.
Would've hardly been 20yrs old

Hav Balwant Singh, 5 Rashtriya Rifles (Jat).
Fell in the accursed Valley this day.

Sep Gur Sewak Singh, 22 Sikh, martyred three years ago in Krishna Ghati Sector of Poonch.
ASI Narbad Boga, Chhattisgarh Police.
KIA in Rajnandgaon fighting red terror in 2016
Third Martyrdom anniversary today

Sepoy Bachittar Singh, Vir Chakra (Posthumous) 26 Punjab.
Fate had brought this 22 year old warrior hailing from Amritsar into a faraway battlefield and a battle that was to prove his last one, this day in 1987.

He was part of a team of his battalion that was tasked to clear a road from Trincomalee to Nilaveli.
Most of the approach roads were heavily mined and booby trapped and had to be cleared first.
As Bachittar and his comrades went about the dangerous task, they soon came under a well planned and executed ambush, when the LTTE militants opened up on them from many different directions.
It seemed a flawless plan at first glance, but the enemy had miscalculated.
To be fair, Op Pawan was still in its early stages and the LTTE hadn't had much time to understand who they were fighting against.
Men like Sepoy Bachittar and many more like him would tell the LTTE what they were against.
Bachittar, hit and wounded by a burst of Light Machine Gun fire in the very first stages of the ambush did the unthinkable.
Unmindful of his injuries, he CHARGED into the enemy that was still firing indiscriminately at him and his brothers.
He returned fire with fire, sending the enemy into disarray, hitting a few.
And then, when he closed in, he bayoneted one one more to death.
This blood soaked Khalsa of Gobind proved quite a handful for the enemy and drew all fire upon himself, thereby ensuring the safety of his comrades.
He kept fighting till a grenade finally brought him down.
Young Bachittar Singh lay dead thousands of miles from home, but in the process he had made sure that the enemy's plan was foiled.
His brothers more than avenged him by killing, amongst others, leader of the LTTE ambush party that had dared to challenge them.
Sepoy Bachittar Singh, 26th Battalion The Punjab Regiment, was honoured with a posthumous Vir Chakra for his supreme sacrifice on the battlefield.
Thank God he lived amongst us, and the thousands like him.
God bless them all.
Three men lost in a single day - must've been a tough day for the Paltan.
God bless their souls.

HC Joginder Singh, 33 Battalion CRPF.
This Khalsa of Gobind fell fighting the insurgency in his homeland of Punjab, this day 30 yrs ago

FOUR men lost. Enemy routed.
One Maha Vir Chakra & one Vir Chakra earned by Vir Biharis in the process.
Who says Kargil war was over in July 1999?

Captain Gurjinder Singh Suri was the Ghatak platoon commander of 12 Bihar and was located somewhere near Kargil.

On 9 Nov 1999, the enemy launched an attack on own post, which was successfully repulsed, and true to their form, the Pakis fled back once they realized that they were outclassed as usual.
Seizing the opportunity, the Ghatak platoon was ordered to pursue the fleeing enemy.
Capt Suri immediately deployed his support group to take care of any reinforcement or interference and set out to clear the offending enemy one bunkers at a time.
When he saw that one comrade was grievously injured by an enemy machine gun in the process, he quickly moved on with his buddy to clear the bunker.
He killed two enemy soldiers with his AK rifle & silenced the offending machine gun.
However in the process he received a burst in his left arm. Unmindful of his injury, Capt Suri continued to lead his men to accomplish the task.
He then lobbed two hand grenades into another bunker and entered inside, spraying bullets with his AK rifle, killing yet another enemy soldier instantly.
At this point he was hit by an enemy RPG & was critically wounded.
Yet, he refused to be evacuated and continued to exhort his men till he breathed his last.
Inspired by his leadership and thirsty for revenge, his Ghataks fell upon the enemy with vengeance and annihilated them.
No Paki was taken alive that day.
26 year old Capt Gurjinder Singh Suri, a Vir Bihari, son of Col TP Singh (Retd), had achieved what he set out to, earning immortality..
He was awarded a richly deserved Maha Vir Chakra for his excellent military leadership and supreme sacrifice.

Sep Manoj Kumar Singh, Vir Chakra (Posthumous). Also martyred that day with his Ghatak Platoon Commander, Capt GS Suri.

Did his bit in the mad charge this day in 1999, destroying 2 enemy bunkers before being hit by an RPG round and falling off in a gorge. His body was not recovered and presumably, still lies there, staking claim to HIS land.
He was declared 'presumed dead' and awarded the Vir Chakra for exceptional bravery.
God bless his soul

Wages of peace ..
First martyrdom anniversary of this Khalsa of Gobind today.
Remember him, anyone?
Do spare a couple of moments in remembrance today, if you have the time.
CHM Karnail Singh, 7 Sikh.
Fell fighting in Kashmir this day 23 years ago

2 JCOs & a senior NCO of 2/11 GR fell 19 yrs ago
One can't even imagine the mood in the unit that day

Sub Surendra Singh, 7 Garh Rif.
Fell in the earliest, most difficult days of Op Meghdoot, this day 34 years ago

CT Vishram Manjhi, Chhattisgarh Police.
Fell fighting Red terrorists in Sukma, 13 yrs ago

Maj Gopi Singh, Shaurya Chakra (Posth), 14 Rashtriya Rifles (Garhwal Rifles)
Fought his final battle in the badlands of Bandipur 14 yrs ago

L/Nk Sri Dhoro Majhi, Shaurya Chakra, 12 Bihar.
This Veer Bihari fell in Tirap, Arunachal 38 yrs ago.

1, 2, 3, 5 & 7 Sikh together lost 5 officers, 7 JCOs & 140 other ranks in the 1965 war which was finally declared over on 10 Nov.
God bless their memories ..

CT Mandra Budhram, Chhattisgarh Police.
Third martyrdom anniversary of this one. Fell to red terror in Bijapur in 2016

Nawang lies in peace, having chosen a career he desired & dying trying to save a comrade's life.
He'd been in commissioned service for just 2 months.
Fell five weeks short of his 25th birthday.
Here's his story ..

In Sep 2000, Lt Nawang Kapadia got commissioned into Fourth Battalion The Third Gorkha Rifles, or 4/3 GR, at 24 years of age.
After a short leave, he joined his battalion in Kupwara on 29th Oct 2000.

The battalion at that point in time was committed in relentless counter insurgency operations.
Nawang soon became part of the 4/3 GR family and got involved into such operations as well.

Who could have known that this young 'Kancha' of the battalion had but 13 days left in this particular journey of his in the mortal realm.
On 10 Nov, info was received about the presence of a large group of terrorists in the infamous Rajwar forest of Kupwara.
The battalion quickly launched an operation in which Nawang was tasked with leading his platoon as well.
Soon, a well hidden hideout was discovered by the Gorkhas of 4/3 GR.
The terrorists, realizing that their game was up, opened up incessant fire.
Nawang's platoon bore the brunt of this fire and Havaldar Chitra Bahadur received a burst and fell down.
Instinctively, Nawang rushed to the aid of Chitra Bahadur, firing at the terrorists while at it, rest of his troops too providing covering fire.
However, hidden from all, yet another terrorist opened fire at Lt Nawang from close quarter, injuring him seriously.
Nawang soon breathed his last, but his supreme sacrifice didn't go in vain as own troops soon dispatched the rest of the terrorists.
There was, however, no joy after completion of a successful operation since Nawang and Chitra lay martyred.
Here is a panoramic sketch of how the events of that day unfolded.

Young Nawang's mortal remains were consigned to the eternal agni in Mumbai with full military honours a few days later.

Every single patriot is a soldier of Mother India, whether in uniform or not. God bless them all.
Naik Gosavi Keshav Somgir, 24 Maratha Light Infantry.
Martyred this day last year on the LoC in Naushera Sector to unprovoked fire from the Pak army.
First martyrdom anniversary today.
Do spare a moment in remembrance, if you can.

Capt Rohit Kaushal, Sena Medal (Gallantry) (Posthumous), 18 Punjab / 12 RR.
This Panchkula/Chandigarh boy gave up a degree in engineering to join the Indian Army.
Attained immortality this day 24 years ago, leading from the front, taking enemy fire in his chest.

Earned a Shaurya Chakra this day 14 yrs ago at the age of 22 years, paying for it with his blood.

CT Mohan Lal, Chhattisgarh Police.
Martyred fighting Maoist terrorists in Bijapur, 16 yrs ago

Lance Naik Antony Sebastian KM, martyred on the LoC in the Krishnaghati Sector this day last year.
First martyrdom anniversary today.

11 Nov
Sub Ved Prakash, Shaurya Chakra (Posth), 16 Dogra
Fell fighting scum in Rajauri in 1999

Naib Subedar P.O Cherian, Vir Chakra(P), 4 MADRAS
Fell this day in 1971 during preliminary stages of the war

Sep Bhupendra Kalirana Jat, 17th Battalion The Jat Regiment
Martyred in Naogaon, Kashmir in 2012

Sep Mahendra Pal, 17 Jat.
Also fell with his buddy, Sep Bhupendra on this day in 2012

Martyrs of BSF - 13 Nov
Rifleman Sohan Lal and Rifleman Inder Singh, fell this day two years ago to an IED blast in Maha Mani Village, Chandel, Manipur.
Today is their second martyrdom anniversary.
Anyone remember them?

Martyrs of 39 NDA / 48 Regular Course -these were folks who were literally 'Born Into Battle' - going into the 1971 war less than three weeks from commissioning

A true legend .. right up there with the best that there have been.
God bless his soul.
Martyrs of 7 JAT, remembered on the joyous occasion of the Paltan's Raising Day.

Rifleman Roshan Rai, 1/11 GR (Bravest of the Brave) (Batalik).
This young lad from Kalimpong fell in Kupwara this day 13 yrs ago.

I'm sure that young Roshan's old man would have been at his memorial once again today morning, just as he was this same day last year and so many years before.
Maj RC Nair, Sena Medal
Fell in Doda, this day 18 years ago.
A beautiful tribute indeed by 106 Med Regt

What a beautiful, heartfelt description of the martyr. Must have been one hell of a loss to the Paltan

Mohammad Shafi, from the SOG, J&K Police.
Martyred this day three years ago in Sopore

Kartar Singh Sarabha (24 May 1896 - 16 November 1915)
A pioneer amongst the revolutionary freedom fighters, and inspiration for Bhagat Singh.
Killed by the Empire this day 104 years ago.
He was 19 years old the day he was martyred

'Grinders' of 'Utkrisht Unnees'.
Fell this day 19 yrs ago in the accursed 'Jannat'

Taken by an avalanche while searching for three missing civilian porters in Gurez, 11 yrs ago

Lt Gen SK Sinha, a legend in the fraternity of arms.
Passed away this day three years ago

In memory of the 3 Officers, 4 JCOs, 147 Other Ranks and 7 Non Combatants of 4 Garhwal Rifles who fell in Nuranag today in 1962

To be fair, only a few of these casualties happened in the main battle where the Chinese suffered heavily. Bulk of the casualties happened during the withdrawal after the position was outflanked.

During the withdrawal a large number of all ranks were taken prisoner by the Chinese. The famous Brig Hoshiar Singh was killed while withdrawing with the unit.
In captivity, the survivors of the Battalion were singled out for extra punishment in the Chinese PoW Camps as retaliation for the heavy casualties the Chinese suffered at the hands of these fierce Garhwali warriors.
The combined valour of these stubborn defenders earned their Battalion, 4 Garhwal Rifles, one of the only two Battle Honours awarded in the campaign of 1962.
The battle of Nuranag was as bloody as it can get. The Chinese found themselves pitted against a wall of stubborn Garhwalis who made them pay heavily for every inch of land they gained.
This is a short and succinct account of the battle

It was also this day that Rifleman Jaswant Singh Rawat, Maha Vir Chakra (Posthumous) became a legend that still stands guard at his final battlefield, now aptly named JASWANTGARH.

An entire infantry brigade and a full regiment of tanks facing you and your hundred odd men.
A situation where lesser mortals might have turned tail, he chose to make an epic, stubborn stand.
First death anniversary today.
God Bless him.
Lala Lajpat Rai - 91st martyrdom anniversary today.
He fell, but the light that he lit, ultimately burnt down the British Empire.
Shame that hardly anyone of us remembers such folks anymore.

HC Afjal Khan
Yet another Chhattisgarh Policeman .. murdered at the hands of Red terrorists

Martyrs of #RezangLa - A last stand that shone bright despite the humiliation of 1962

Red Cross Officials of both sides arrive to do work at #RezangLa - 1963

Troops of 13 Kumaon enroute to their positions at #RezangLa, 1962.
Each and every one of them would be martyred.

Recovery efforts of the Bodies at #RezangLa

Mortal remains of Nursing Assistant Dharam Pal Singh Dahiya who died tending to the wounded on the battlefield at #RezangLa

As per War Diary of the Battalion, 13 Kumaon regrouped after ceasefire less 'C' Company that had ceased to exist
Mass funeral pyre of #RezangLa martyrs near the spot they fell, by Brig (later COAS) Raina, local Brigade Commander

#RezangLa was one hell of a saga of collective bravery.
The Ahirs sure gave back as good as they received!
Nobody believed we'd killed so many Chinese at #RezangLa
Our commander called me crazy & warned that I could be Court Martialed
Over 200 telegrams found their way to Kosli, a small Haryana village
Half of them related to the martyrs of #RezangLa
2 martyrs of #RezangLa who fought, and died together

The Man who does not flee from battle
Does at once perform the duties of four ashrams
Two men go beyond the solar sphere in Heaven,
The austere ascetic
The soldier who is killed in battle with his face to the foe
^^ above quote from Shukraniti. Ch IV. Sec VII
God Bless Major Shaitan Singh Bhati & his brave Ahirs who fell with their guns pointed at the enemy

Soldier, rest! thy warfare o'er
Dream of fighting fields no more
Sleep the sleep that knows not breaking
Morn of toil, nor night of waking.

Yet another photograph of their final journey from this mortal realm of ours

And then there is this memorial in Rewari, Haryana.
A last stand that will continue to shine bright.
God Bless Shaitan Singh and his Ahirs

The story of Major Shaitan Singh Bhati, PVC (P), as shown on the serial 'Param Vir Chakra'
Corporal Jyoti Prakash Nagar, IAF GARUD Commando martyred during Anti Terror Ops in Bandipora, 18 Nov 2017.

Nyukmadong, the battlefield where the Indian Army lost the maximum troops in 1962 as they cleared a series of Chinese ambushes while withdrawing from Sela Pass.