Protesters burn tires to block streets, protesting today's gas price hikes implemented by the mullahs' regime.
People are in the streets protesting today's gasoline price hikes.
My take:
Rest assured the money obtained from this new initiative will be used by the mullahs to fund Hezbollah, Hamas, the Houthis & Iraqi militias.
"No fear! We're all together!" the crowd chants as authorities dispatch anti-riot units to install fear into those bravely protesting the regime's gasoline price hikes.
Nov 15 - Mashhad, NE #Iran
"Down with Rouhani!" the protesters are chanting, referring to the mullahs' President @HassanRouhani & in response to today's gasoline price hike.
Nov 15 - Shiraz, south-central #Iran
Locals are blocking streets with fires, protesting today's gasoline price hikes that have increased prices up to threefold.
"Rouhani, resign, resign!"
The crowd is demonstrating against mullahs' President @HassanRouhani following today's gasoline price hikes.
"Rouhani, have some shame! Let go of the country!"
"Dictator, have some shame! Let go of the country!"
My take:
"Dictator" means Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.
Iranians are protesting against the entire regime.
Locals are blocking roads, protesting the threefold increase in gasoline prices.
Nov 15 - Mashhad, NE #Iran
"Mullahs must get lost!"
Today's gasoline price hikes are fueling major anti-regime protests across the country.
"Forget Syria! Think about us!"
The Iranian people know very well today's gasoline price hikes by the mullahs' regime are aimed at gaining money for Bashar Assad, Hezbollah, Hamas, the Houthis in Yemem, extremist militias in Iraq & ...
Anti-riot units on motorcycles are attacking demonstrators.
Protests continue in response to the regime's gasoline price hikes.
"Our money is lost & spent on Palestine!"
Iranians know their money is being stolen by the mullahs' regime to fuel terrorist groups such as Hamas, Islamic Jihad and others checkered across the Middle East.
Reports of a burning gas station in the town of Lar.
Protesters setting up barricades/roadblocks.
"Not Gaza! Not Lebanon! My life for Iran!"
More signs of today's protests over gasoline price hikes evolving into political rallies against the entirety of the mullahs' regime.