With that being said, I will list 10 books to get started you in #hacking & #penetrationtesting
#CyberSecurity #infosec
- 1 of the top books you must read if you're new to hacking or reviewing. Some material is dated but it is still a great book (Georgia is working on a new version. Don't bother her about it!) -
This book is great for those learning or working w/ Linux. It explains how to install Kali & what services are installed & what they're used for. This book also explains how to create scripts in BASH & Python
This book covers several tools, methods and techniques in each phase of a penetration test.
This book serves as a reference guide on some basics & some advanced commands you can use in a Windows or Linux penetration test.
Metasploit is a powerful penetration testing tool that probably has been used at one point or another by every hacker. This book breaks down several different modules and features in the Metasploit Framework
Gray Hat Hacking 5th Edition - amzn.to/2oemB1U
Hacker PlayBook 2 - amzn.to/2BOzUsZ
Hacker PlayBook 3 - amzn.to/368GOHt
Red Team Field Manual - amzn.to/367zBrt

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