Read it here:…

Gerald Goines is now accused of murder & other crimes in federal & state court. His former partner, Steven Bryant, faces other charges.…
The department fought us on many of those requests ...
We also asked for a list of all current narcotics officers. They denied that too, arguing against such disclosure because the officers were undercover. ...
We found a list of names on our own.
We used that to request personnel files of 200 officers.
We found he routinely sought no-knocks. In nearly 100 warrants, he said his CIs saw guns. But he never listed them in the paperwork he filed after executing the raid.
They accused him of sleeping with a CI. That he stole money, guns & drugs.
We couldn't substantiate all those allegations. But some of that came out in court Friday.…
And using the database, we found other examples of officers who lied or misrepresented casework.…
They all kept their jobs.…
The case got dismissed the same day.…
US Judge Keith Ellison denied the appeal, but said he was "offended" by the officer's conduct and essentially accused him of lying under oath.
They make for extraordinary reading.

One officer, however, did. He had hit the wrong apartment in a complex in north Houston.
He'd seen his CI walk towards the duplex holding the unit he ended up raiding, but didn't see the CI go inside.
They soon realized their mistake, but the incident terrified her, and her adult son.
They also damaged her door, which cost $600 to replace.
No dice. They sued, and lost.
The officer who spoke to me, meanwhile, described the incident as one of the "lowest moments" of his career.
He received a day's suspension and remains in narcotics.
The people I spoke to would be easy to ignore or discredit. Many had records, or freely admitted to having dealt drugs.
I'm grateful they trusted me. And that my editors gave me time to report.…
Then read the followup tomorrow.