Johnson 52%
Corbyn 48%
Good news for Johnson, right? Well... no.
Let's look into the raw data and uncover some key points hidden by the headline numbers.
We have a sample of 1322 people, weighted to 2017 voting intention, EU voting intention, etc.
Looking at the numbers, Leavers however may have been over-weighted and 18-24's under-weighted. This will make the sample lean toward Con.
Net satisfaction ratings:
Johnson: -20
Corbyn: -40
According to the last YouGov poll, VI is
Con: 42%
Lab: 33%
In the context of who 'won', this is important.
a) Prefering Johnson to Corbyn, by a margin of 20 points
b) Planning to to vote Con over Lab, by a margin of 9 points
This should mean, if the perceptions going into the debate did not change, a very comfortable Johnson victory.
1) Many people with a negative opinion of Corbyn were pleasantly surprised
2) Many people who are not currently planning on voting Labour thought Corbyn won
But this only tells a fraction of the story
Here, Corbyn scored a clear victory:
62% well
38% badly
NET: +24
69% well
31% badly
NET: +38
This is remarkable when you consider favourability ratings
Favourability: -40
Performance rating: +38
Net gain: +78
Favourability: -20
Performance rating: +24
Net gain: +44
A net advantage of +34 to Corbyn
2017 Lab voters, LD's, and Don't Knows. These are crucial for Labour to gain on Con in polls.
Here, we see an emphatic Corbyn victory:
Lab 2017
Well: 90%
Badly: 10%
LD 2017
Well: 81%
Badly: 19%
Well: 75%
Badly 25%
It's clear in the data that Corbyn out-performed Johnson relative to VI and favourability ratings going in.
It's also clear that Corbyn impressed the voters he needs to close the gap.
I've noticed comments about 'YouGov bias' and conspiracy theories.
Let me say this clearly - this is utter nonsense.
Differences in methodology are not bias. Pollsters do however, tend to herd. That's driven by fear of being wrong, not pro-Tory bias.