#GetBrexitdone only works on the tired.
Exhaustion - at the end your brain is kind "it'll be ok", it whispers.
It won't
So ignore your brain. It ain't over
One don't, 3 dos for this week that may help all of us

Find one nation tories. The sort below. ⏬ traitors in their party.
They won't vote labour.
But helpfully @joswinson has finally gone 2nd ref. they'll like that, at least a bit.
If they knew
Or anyone had talked to them
They dont know and we haven't. So go hug a 1 nation.

Find a tactical remain voter. Burned out, slagged off, unthanked.
As you were 5 minutes ago.
#FBPE feel unwanted. And there are millions of them.
Tell them we need them to vote and haven't forgotten how hard they fought. Splitting the vote is only a risk if people vote...