Meanwhile, @RudyGiuliani is also busy taking Russia's side . . .
Manafort, remember, backed the Kremlin-puppet president of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych.…
Why is the GOP leadership lying and covering up for cheating and lawbreaking?
They're simply following the course that Newt Gingrich defined in the early 1990s . . .
What matters was winning, any way necessary.
Well, if you adopt that strategy, this is where you end up: Take Putin's side if that's the way to win.…
It's up to the rest of us to save democracy.
The only way to save democracy is through democratic means, and anti-hardball tactics.
The age of civility, usually given between the 1930s and 1960 happened because neither party was advocating racial equality.
The Republicans had long since abandoned civil rights as a platform, and the Democrats. . .
It was only after the Democrat started actively advancing civil rights that things started changing . . .
Here I am, sitting on a beautiful snowy mountaintop while my son snowboards, and what am I doing? Tweeting about American history and politics!!!!
That's why it's absurd that McConnell points to his past opposition to the the Soviet Union as proof that he isn't pro-Russia.
Russia swung from communist-totalitarianism to fascism. The fascist oligarchy appeals to the American right wing.