By @StephenEpoch (Thread 👇)…
However, that some of our former employees work for BL is not evidence of any connection between the two organizations.
In July #Facebook banned the Epoch Media Group from advertising on Facebook.
By @StephenEpoch Gregory
Publisher, U.S. English-language editions
By @StephenEpoch (Thread👇)…
The BL and its activities have been portrayed as being part of Epoch Media Group (EMG) and by extension @EpochTimes. This is categorically false.
We offer the details below, for interested parties to assess for themselves.
As we’ve spent years developing large Facebook properties, we’re keen to have a good relationship with Facebook.
@Facebook issued a statement exposing deceptive social media practices by BL, but then drew a false conclusion, claiming that BL’s activities were “linked to” EMG.…
It had no knowledge of the activities for which @Facebook has punished BL by deleting its pages, and EMG has no authority over BL.
To this point, the removal of pages by @Facebook has not affected EMG’s pages.
The role played by Đại Kỷ Nguyên and its CEO, Trung Vu, does make the situation confusing.
This separation was made public in 2018 when VET was no longer listed as an edition on the @EpochTimes website, as can be seen in an archived webpage from October 2018.…
In December, VET published videos taken from Hong Kong @EpochTimes. Hong Kong Epoch Times filed a complaint with YouTube, which then suspended VET’s and BL’s channels.