by @IvanPentchoukov (Thread👇)…
In the first days of January 2019, a federal judge extended the term of the #GrandJury in the #SpecialCounsel investigation by #RobertMueller.
The raid and indictment of Stone were symbolic of the spectacle that was the #RussiaInvestigation.
The #MuellerReport would state that there was no evidence that any American colluded with Russia in the 2016 elections.
While not an exhaustive list, the 20 moments below are representative of the reversal and are helpful for viewing the events in the year ahead.
Both Democratic and Republican sources on the committee confirmed that the investigation didn’t turn up any evidence of #Collusion between the Trump campaign and #Russia.
In May 2017, then-Deputy AG #Rosenstein removed #AndrewMcCabe from the #Russia investigation shortly after appointing #RobertMueller to lead the probe.
The #DOJ statement from which the news originated appeared to imply that #Mueller’s appointment had something to do with actions taken by #McCabe.
In late March, #AGBarr released a summary of conclusions based on the #MuellerReport. The investigation was concluded with no evidence that Trump or anyone on Trump’s campaign colluded with Russia.
In addition to revealing the lack of evidence for the allegations of #Collusion between the Trump campaign and #Russia, #Mueller's final report hammered one of the final nails in the credibility of the Steele dossier.
The @HillaryClinton campaign and the @DNC ultimately funded the dossier, which the @FBI used to secure a #FISA warrant on @CarterWPage.
In early May, The New York Times revealed the activities of a second spy tasked by the government to probe the Trump campaign.…
Although a small event in the larger #Spygate story, the revelation that a transcript cited in the #Mueller report was edited to cast suspicion on Trump was representative of the report as a whole.
By June, the man behind the #SteeleDossier used by the @FBI had already agreed to speak to US authorities.…
#RobertMueller’s testimony was to be a watershed moment for those who, for years, had pushed the #RussiaCollusion narrative. But the performance in late July instead fell flat.
He also was mum about why he appeared to have spent no time looking into instances of malfeasance in the @FBI investigation that he took over in May 2017.
Much was known about #NellieOhr, the wife of senior DOJ official #BruceOhr, by August.…
In late August, #IGHorowitz castigated former FBI Director James Comey for setting a “dangerous example” by leaking government documents in violation of bureau policies.
#Horowitz referred a classified leak for criminal prosecution, although the #DOJ declined to take up the case.
The release of a McCabe memo in late September added further evidence to the theory that the firing of @Comey wasn’t the only reason for the appointment of a #SpecialCounsel.
A day later, @RodRosenstein appointed #Mueller and removed McCabe from any participation in the Russia investigation.…
In late October, @NYTimes and @AP reported that Durham’s probe had evolved into a criminal inquiry.…
The #IGReport found that the @FBI withheld evidence that was detrimental to its case. The failures implicated the entire chain of command at the bureau, the report concluded.
On the heels of the #HorowitzReport, Barr and Durham issued statements that took issue with some of its key findings.
A late December order from a top #FISACourt judge followed shortly after the #HorowitzReport.…
Days after the first order, the court released a declassified order issued earlier the same month.
/END/ Article by @IvanPentchoukov