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โTwas the end of a hard year, and all through the nation
Americans hoped for a quiet vacation.
Most folks are unstirring, like mice and mouse spouses,
Butย @TeamWarren volunteers aren't in their houses:

To talk about healthcare and Black women's labor;ย
They're heading to parties with Reach on their phones
And talking with strangers about student loans;
To talk aboutย @ewarren's every last plan:
The wealth tax, the New Deals (the Green and the Blue),
Free childcare and college for me and for you;
An end to corruption in DC's morass;
Fair credit for renters and home mortgagees,
Compassion for immigrants and refugees;
To stand up for people like you and like me;
A government armed against foreign attacks
And hostile to kleptocrats, grifters and hacks.
She dresses in black, with a bright-colored sweater.
Kids love her! And Liz? She takes selfies for hours,
As though she drank coffee, or had superpowers;
She was once little Betsy to three older brothers;
Then student, then teacher, then bankruptcy scholar,
Now Harvard professor (and watcher of Ballers);
Elizabeth Warren will be our next leader.
Will you join us before you turn in for the night?
As Elizabeth says, "We need you in this fight!"