From #abetterdeal to #forthepeople to #ImpeachTrump
@SpeakerPelosi and @SenSchumer have utterly FAILED the People. Only @realDonaldTrump has come through with #PromisesMadePromisesKept ❗️
THE LIE Launched March 2018 Better Deal

#abetterdeal promised to fix our Infrastructure
But remember @SpeakerPelosi & @SenSchumer walked out of May 22, 2019 meeting with @realDonaldTrump

#abetterdeal promised to lower Prescription Drug costs.
Did @SpeakerPelosi & @SenSchumer do it?
NO... It's @realDonaldTrump again 😊
Trump Administration takes historic steps to lower U.S. prescription drug prices December 18, 2019…

It was only @realDonaldTrump who stood up to China and fought for our Farmers 😊
She's going after @GOPLeader but @realDonaldTrump has been the one who has fixed the price of Gas and Farmers & factory workers issues 😊
It's kind of like playing poker with @realDonaldTrump and thinking you can win... I'll raise you 🤣

When left-leaning commie rags start noticing From #abetterdeal to #forthepeople is a #badidea ...
One would think @SpeakerPelosi and @SenSchumer would snap out of the #ImpeachTrump @realDonaldTrump scenario 💡