Ridiculous, right?
“one flap of a sea gull's wings would be enough to alter the course of the weather forever. The controversy has not yet been settled, but the most recent evidence seems to favor the seagulls.”
The concept, no matter how hard to believe, found a scientific basis over time and eventually came to be a part of an area of mathematical study known as Chaos Theory.
And that is why, we must keep going in the direction that we want to move, no matter how small the action is!
Have you ever experienced the butterfly effect in your life?
And that is how I got into online legal education after quitting my job.
My friend got the money, but I got a new direction in life.
I attended a startup event for the first time when I read about it on my Facebook page.
Reading a good book has a butterfly effect.
Every student who joins us and loves our courses set a butterfly effect in motion.
Doing a bad thing, or being lazy at a certain moment has butterfly effects too.
That is how reputation is built. Every single satisfied learner and every dissatisfied learner have a huge impact on our business,
I invite you to think of your career as a series of butterfly effects too.
No action is too small. Every good or bad action has long term, unimaginable ripple effects.