Marvel at the clowns as they slip and slide around... the truth.
It's called "Friends O Science".
You see, that’s the joke!
As Prof @KHayhoe explains: "It's like calling vegans Friends of BBQ."
Prepare to be threaded...
Their recent vid "A Letter to Greta" once again foists the falsehood of the "500 Scientists" onto unsuspecting viewers.
#Lawyers of Twitter, does this not violate the Lanham Act?
"…almost all of these accomplishments were only possible thanks to the power of coal, natural gas and oil.”
Sucking up to the people with the purse strings, eh Michelle?
Confused? Allow me to explain…
Yet Soon’s debunked work is STILL referenced by FoS’s cohort of climate deniers – despite Soon being outed for receiving millions from the Kochs, Mobile, Exxon, Texaco, et al.
Note the mast is cut off.
That’s because even FoS is embarrassed to be sharing Summit News rubbish. It’s the worst of the conspiracy sites, run by a former henchman of Alex “Gay Frogs” Jones, Paul Joseph Watson.

In fact, Hallam says (6:38) he and his followers are prepared to die for their cause. (Rog, dear. You need a proof-reader. DM me, yeah?).
As Willie Soon has proved bad science never dies and its influence is insidious.
When a student asked on Facebook who’d be attending the Iowa #FridaysForFuture rally to see Greta, one comment read: “Dont have my sniper rifle”

That Stormer story is as close to an incitement to violence against Greta as they can get and still maintain plausible deniability.
Families are falling apart over this issue.
Prof. Hayhoe is harassed by HUNDREDS of trolls every day.
This is all just WRONG.
I don’t know how to fix any of it…
I need a minute…
More bad science, this time ruining a political career.
At the Canada election debate, People's Party's Maxime Bernier bleated the "500 scientists" scam as if it were fact.
Fortunately La Presse editor @F_Cardinal (Mon héros) called him out on it.
Oui, c'est vrai!

The paper is honest enough that it printed my rebuttal of that untruth -
But now my email is full of flippin' Filipino trolls.

It's spreading it like an STD at a troll orgy.
When you try to explain, try to show the trolls the actual facts, they scream “EVERYBODY’S ENTITLED TO THEIR OWN OPINION!!!”
Or go see a psychiatrist!
Then it hit me.
FoS aren’t looking for their new site to appeal to their average trolls…
They’re going after our children!
An investigation by The Narwhal discovered the company was spending millions financing denialists and their web sites – including FoS.…
“Cut the carbon or we cut the purse strings.”…
The trolls?
Hahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahaha
Hahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahaha
Hahahahahahahahaha Hahahaaa
Yeah, right!
Proof that climate change really is a killer.
I know, I know. It’s too early to publish an obituary for FoS.
But when that day comes…
The drinks are on me!
I hope you enjoyed this rollercoaster.
Now take a moment to follow the honest news sites, the hard-working scientists, and the dedicated battlers in the #climatebrawl
They’re braver than me and deserve all your love.