Cavalier cruelty, all in a day's work.
Thread about a client from @cwjisrael:

This past Sunday, after five hours of hearings—during which a @cwjisrael client caved to all kinds of extortion, like waiving child support, in order to receive her get—we sat with her in the hall and waited to be called back in for the get ceremony.
At least it’s over, we tried to comfort her. After six years of suffering as an agunah, at least you can put it all behind you and begin a new chapter of your life.
Then the rabbinic judges called us back into the room. “You know what? Actually, we’re going to conduct the get ceremony next Sunday. It’s just that the ritual scribe who writes the get needs to go home.”
Was this a joke? Could they be serious? Next week?
“But the husband is already here!” we protested. “He’s here and he’s finally agreed to give a get right now, after six years! You told us that we were going to finish it today! That’s the only reason she agreed to give up all of her rights—in exchange for the get today! >>>
(con't) Who knows if by next Sunday, he’ll agree to give the get or if he’ll even show up at all?”
“Don’t yell,” chided the rabbinic court judge. “Next Sunday. An hour and a half and it’ll be over with.”
“But she’s been waiting for six years. And everything is all ready right now,” we pleaded.
The rabbinic court was unmoved. “If she’s already waited six years, she can wait another week.”
For a moment, we were stunned into silence.
“But the scribe is still here. He can write the get before he leaves—”
“No, he doesn’t have time. He’s got plans,” the rabbinic court brushed us off. And that was the end of the discussion.
He doesn’t have time.
He’s got plans.
The level of self-unawareness and callousness is breathtaking.
How dare one talk about not having time to a woman waiting *six years* for justice, for her life back, for her freedom? Is her time expendable? Did she not have “plans” for the years of her life that had been stolen from her, and that she can never get back?
We will update you next week how it all—hopefully—ends.