
Audience thoughts: sharing articles, advocacy, asking for advice, getting feedback, seeking mentorship

@LashNolen, @harvardmed student president, is in attendance at the talk. @kristinadzara notes the language in her tweet: "my #medtwitter family"
#WomenInMedicine #BlackWomenInMedicine

A virtual community of practice with more than 120,000 downloads worldwide!

@GreyScaleSpaces and Dr. Richard Schwartzstein published a paper on Tolerating Uncertainty in @NEJM. Many journals now expect authors to help promote articles bt tweeting, retweeting, or creating visuals or virtual abstracts.
@LaraVarpio used Twitter to help promote her new paper, explaining theory, theoretical frameworks, and conceptual frameworks in #MedEd with co-authors @ep_qc @meredithyoung1 & @uijtdehaage
Share your wins! If you win an award, take pride in sharing your good work!
@LingardLorelei respectfully shared that she was honored to win the 2018 Karolinska Institutet Prize for Research in #MedEd
@mededdoc and @laurenmaggio note that sharing your papers on #SoMe helps with dissemination
Example: @kristinadzara's 2018 paper in @AcadMedJournal about the #MedEd #ElevatorPitch was well tweeted & has a 144 @Altmetric score

A Diagnosis to Chew On nejm.org/doi/full/10.10…