This state sponsored terror cost us dearly then & costs us dearly even now.
Primary reason was that the ..
Germination and nurturing of the Khalistani terrorism was but one manifestation of this ill will.
Two quick examples:
1. After the Khalistani terrorists hijacked an Indian aircraft on ..
Over there, the hijackers demanded ..
Germany confirmed that that particular ..
Unsurprisingly, the US refused to believe this due to 'lack of evidence', despite eyewitness accounts by the hijacked passengers having seen the revolver handed ..
2. In the second instance, Talwinder Singh Parmar, a known terrorist, was arrested in West Germany in 1983 as he travelled by train from Zurich, thanks to an Interpol lock-out notice.
CBI was informed by the Germans through the Interpol who asked for ..
However, even before the CBI team took off, the Indian consul general in Vancouver messaged that Talwinder Singh had ..
Upon being asked as to why they released him, the Germans claimed it was due to delay on Indian part; a patently false statement since ..
Talwinder Singh would get back to Canada and play a major part in the Kanishka bombing, an act for which the Canadian Govt's role is still under a cloud.
Talwinder Singh Parmar had been on the run from Indian authorities since 1981 and had found refuge in Canada.
In 1982, India issued a warrant for Parmar's arrest for six charges of murder stemming from the ..
Soon thereafter, BlueStar and subsequent massacre of Sikhs in Delhi followed.
The Khalistanis in Canada started plotting revenge.
In August 1984, the known criminal Gerry Boudreault claimed that ..
Then in September, in an attempt to get his sentence for theft and fraud reduced, Harmail Singh Grewal of Vancouver told the Canadian Security Intelligence ..
And what did the Canadians do?
They fcuking DISMISSED these two reports pointing to the SAME plot from two UNRELATED sources as UNRELIABLE.
Finally, in early 1985, ..
On 9 June 1985, a police informer in Hamilton reported that Parmar and Bagri had visited the Malton Sikh Gurudwara, warning the faithful that "it would be unsafe" to fly Air India ..
268 of the victims were Canadian citizens.
What followed was an investigation that still continues to this day in some respects, uncovering utter incompetence on part of Canadian authorities at ..
Much has been written about that, so I'll cover only some basic, glaring lacunae.
As has been mentioned earlier, Parmar was under surveillance since early 1985.
Late in the afternoon of June 4, 1985, CSIS surveillance..
From Reyat's home, 3 men, one of whom has never been identified, drove to a clearing in the woods around the town. CSIS agents Larry Lowe & Lynne Jarrett ..
It was the terrorists testing the detonation system for the bombs. The agents reported it as a shotgun blast.
Then happened the most incredible thing in this entire dirty saga - On 16 Jun 1985, surveillance over Parmar was lifted!
This was the ..
Funny, no?
Esp since this blast was NOT the only sign of trouble.
But it gets even more 'funnier'.
Apparently, James Bartleman, then DG of the Intel & Security Bureau of the CSIS external affairs div, ..
Now intelligence cannot get any more pointed than this.
But when he brought this same info to the notice of an RCMP official, Bartleman testified that ..
Mind you, he was a DG in the CSIS!
And then we are to believe it was mere inter agency turf wars at play.
Sorry, I refuse to believe that. And I suspect, the 329 departed souls would refuse too.
What is even more glaring ..
This was further corroboration of info already held with the Canadians, if only they were looking.
Air India's Montreal office passed on the information to the RCMP.
A good, professional ..
But then it was the RCMP. They chose to not only NOT forward the input to CSIS, but not even to THEIR OWN internal dept responsible for preparing threat assessments.
The RCMP were ..
To be charitable, I'll say the RCMP were not an intentional party to this terror attack, but merely incompetent.
In the words of Justice John Major of Canadian Supreme Court, "Time and again in the Air India investigation, RCMP came down on ..
But this 'incompetence' carried on even after the attack actually happened.
In his verdict, Justice Josephson cited "unacceptable negligence" by CSIS when hundreds of wiretaps of the suspects were destroyed.
Amazingly .. nay .. 'Funnily', these tapes continued to be erased even after the terrorists had become the primary suspects in the bombing!
In a lame excuse, CSIS claimed the wiretap recordings contained no relevant information, but an RCMP memo stated that "There is a strong likelihood that had CSIS retained the ..
Then there was the case of Tara Singh Hayer, the publisher of the Indo-Canadian Times & a member of the Order of ..
Hayer was, however, shot dead in 1998 in Surrey, consequent to which his affidavit was inadmissible as ..
Ok, so this murder happened in England - another stronghold of Khalistanis.
But in Canada itself, many refused to testify since the Canadian Govt couldn't provide sufficient guarantees of their safety. Of two witnesses, one cited memory loss in refusing..
So professional of them, no?
But the 'funny' doesn't end here.
Justice John Major noted ..
On the contrary, RCMP provided 'erroneous information' to former Ontario Premier Bob Rae during his 2005 investigation.
Yup. The RCMP didn't lie or ..
This was not the only part of the aviation security lapses by the Canadian law enforcement agencies, Justice Major stated. He referred to one summer employee, Brian Simpson, who 'boarded Flight 182 at Pearson ..
The saddest part according to Major was that during testimonies the ..
Simpson's evidence, he said, 'revealed numerous weaknesses in security.'
that brings this to the fore. Do read it. I insist.
Mark this.