Never was the adage more true: He was a GENTLEMAN and a SCHOLAR.
A memory.

His teenage years enriched by giving feedback during the lengthy 15-16 years of writing #LOTR.
Can you imagine BEING THERE at his Father’s desk for that?! #GeekHeaven

At 21 he was actually INVITED by his Dad to join The #Inklings—becoming their youngest member!
The groundwork was laid for the single most important literary support system JRRT ever had.
His son.

After his father’s death, the story goes Christopher loaded up tons of loose manuscripts into a station wagon, drove to his new home in France, and painstakingly deciphered the tales known as THE #SILMARILLION.

Published in 1977, The Sil allowed us the most wondrous view of the Creation of Arda and the vast mythological expanse upon which #LOTR was just a brief episode hung up on the clothesline.
The mind boggles where we would be without Christopher

Today I feel such #gratitude.
Our shared discovery of these life-affirming tales is due to this man’s life being well-spent.