Not right, per fascinating new paper by @DennisNovy et al which shows sterling crash cost h'hold £870/year - or the nation £450m a week! 1/thread…
Well, for a start, since we don't live the counter-factual, these numbers aren't actually felt 'on the street' in a way that necessarily translates into politics.
After all, @BorisJohnson
just won an 80-seat mandate to double down /4
@realDonaldTrump trade policy has, in aggregate, hit US manufacturers with higher costs, but it might not yet stop him winning re-election. /6
So LONG as nobody notices. But will they? /8
Post #Brexit, for example, a UK-car company will have to show that a vehicle is more than 50% made with UK 'content' to export at preferential rates, to say, South Korea. A UK car is typically 30% UK made. One 'fix' is to switch to EU. /9
@BorisJohnson still won an 80-seat majority, backed by people in living in the West Midlands - Hams Hall is in Warwickshire constituency of @craig4nwarks - Conservativ, Maj, 17,956 /11
And at what point the government's political calculation will be swayed by risk of serious disruption? /12
They believe economics and politics are decoupled, and wave away warnings about the cost of #Brexit as over-stated....even though they come from industries that, presumably, know their own business. /15
Until we were not. Then all those ideas were junked in a trice for a NI-only backstop and the fact of deal - any deal.
This may be the template for phase 2. Or it may not/18
NOT "come with me on the Long March to the sunny uplands.
I'm still betting that the desire for a quiet life comes to trump the current brave talks. But I can see how I'd be wrong.
Good weekend all. ENDS