Here's a link and here's one email from the cache:…

"You have no idea how hard I’m fighting to keep politics out of science..."

From NOAA's late night #FOIA dump

Email from Jerry Slaff, Public Affairs Specialist NOAA Office of Communications:
Subject line: Tweet shows POTUS altering NHC map
Via NOAA's late night #FOIA dump in response to my/other requesters

"I pray this thing dies off by morning or we just continue to say 'call the WH.'"

Email From NOAA chief Neil Jacobs to Julie Roberts, NOAA comms director, et al, regarding Trump's tweets on Hurricane Dorian and Alabama.


Hell of an email from NOAA official Craig McLean to NOAA's chief and other top officials:
"What concerns me most is that this Administration is eroding the public trust in NOAA for an apparent
political recovery from an ill timed and imprecise comment from the President"

"Yes that was doctored"



The weeklong controversy over Trump's comments abt Hurricane Dorian & Alabama & Sharpiegate took a toll
"People across agency are hurting...not just those
directly involved. Some employees have lost their minds I
fear. Trying to maintain calm and focus"

"...Forecasters do fear retribution for issuing products. Plan to look them in eye and tell them they have nothing to fear and we will defend actions."


NOAA's Makeda Okolo: Apparently the President is convinced that Alabama was in the path of Dorian and someone altered a NOAA map (with a sharpie) to convince folks
NOAA's Deputy U/S for Operations: Yep, crazy



"Guessing this is the area of uncertainty that his sharpie staffer was drawing"


Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere, to Craig McLean, NOAA's chief scientist, who wrote in an email that the Trump admin is "eroding the public trust in NOAA."

"What’s next? Climate science is a hoax?
Flabbergasted to leave our forecasters hanging in the political wind.

Highlighting this email again because it is just so DAMNING and a reminder that this admin will even doctor a weather map if need be