Such videos r part of BAIT n BLEED strategy to which #ISI hs now switched to. The target here is not MODI govt bt the MORALE of INDIAN soldier.
1️⃣CAG report they r talking abt is frm 2015-2016.
2️⃣Soldier deployed in SIACHEN gets personal clothing worth Rs 1 lakh and...
and self protection kit (incld equipments) worth Rs 1.5 lakh. That’s a total of Rs 2.5 Lakhs.
3️⃣ Add to the above soldier’s special ration and other benefits.
4️⃣ Def budget this yr Rs 110,734 Crore, Rs 10,340 more than last yr.

So what is a BAIT and BLEED strategy?
A simplified version wld be —enemy employs a 3rd party (in this case anti-India media houses within India) to put Indian def forces in a defensive mode, while the enemy watches frm the sidelines, unharmed.
A lie wen repeated a 1000 times, becomes the truth.
#FakeDsouza and ilk is playing into hands of the enemies. Last time it was RAFALE n now it’s Siachen.
There's a scope for improvement.
But then our govt and senior offcrs are ensuring that our soldiers are provided with the best facilities.