Dravidian propaganda was a tool of the British to thwart Indian freedom struggle. If you notice, there is systematic anti-brahmin propaganda in 2 Indian states - TN and MH (Tilak vs Shahu).
THESE ARE THE TWO STATES WHERE CONGRESS HAS THe GREATEST ACTIVITY CONGRESS WAS FILLED WITH A LOT OF BRAHMINS. MH didn't quite harp on this as much as TN prolly bcos they had some brains.
@ARanganathan72 @RangarajPandeyR
@arvindneela @sgurumurthy
TN also had Annie besant's Home rule movt. British had long noted that Brahmins' activity in the freedom struggle,in spite of getting English edu. JP was formed in 1916, in the middle of WW1.
A very valid point
Our Proposition: Open to new things, but Keeping the Overarching Dharma.
English Expectation: Shed Ours; Embrace Theirs Everything. Not just the Language
Definitely, there is a stakeholder Expectation mismatch.!
There was deep resentment against monarchies in Europe, & they had already planned to bring in dyarchy (Montague-Chelmsford reforms) Dyarchy = 1/2 monarchy, 1/2 democracy.This marks beginning of Democratic elections and "Sir-Shudra" (dravidian) votebank politics
They dug out the word "Dravidian" frm Caldwell's book that was written 60 yrs back, just for a romantic appeal!!
@MadanRavichand4 @realitycheckind
JP initially asked fr reservations only fr Sir-Shudras themselves.

All this highly publicized public-welfare drama came only after dyarchy @Madras_Central
And like you see, இட ஒதுக்கீடு happened step by step, reluctantly, necessitated by democracy.
Later on,they realizd they couldn't win elections without publicity
These sir-shudras and naicker had been controlling TN for 500 years. Why didn't they think of samoogam then? Because then they already had everything- money, slaves, land, power.
@Vignesh95745892 ji, Sorry for the digression, I have a doubt;
Recently watched a @Suba_Vee ji video.
I don’t remember top of my head the number; may be Chapter 10; item 43 or 44 or so of Manu. He mentioned Dravida Shudra citations.
I checked those words are there.
10வது அத்தியாயம் must be purusha suktham.I don't think those books have 'dravida', words. It's all only for rousing anger and antipathy. He'll give an accurate-ish source.Manusmriti was 1st translated in 1794 only and was never used as an actual book
T.M.Nair and arcot mudaliyar were the real Don's. When t.m.nair went to the UK, he was given PR from press to rouse public interest! T.m.nair regularly spoke with Shahu Maharaj,and it was prolly the latter who gave ambedkar works to him, and he passed on to EVR
Periyar's work is nothing but an abridged (incorrectly) version of ambedkar. I guess periyar had an editorial team in the background. What's noteworthy is the power of propaganda of this group, and the seat they have amongst the ppl.
Periyar's politics started with "Cheran Mahadevi Gurukulam" @SuryahSG
Now, chettis and other sir-shudras were running all temples and they donated money to Cheran Mahadevi too. It was standard practice. In CMG,all of students wanted to dine separately, but see

Not only CMG, but all 3 milestones of periyar were also based on 100% power of propaganda. Rajaji's scheme has nothing to do with "appan velayai payyan pakkanum", but their thick layer of lies is difficult to pierce.
@U2Brutus_off @itisprashanth @madan3

Sir I have written several times in my Earlier tweets, that Democracy had failed so many times in the history of Greece & Rome
People like EVR directly the consequence of democracy.
India never had class struggle while the history of West is basically class struggle
Lol democracy and class struggle are too big concepts... But yeah democracy/dyarchy is where Sir-Shudra (dravidian) politics begins.
If you notice, EVR never contested elections. Because he was born as naicker, he lived and wanted to die as a naicker. Democracy is for simpletons.
each and every tweet of yours is informative. with firing pharases. sir- sudhra - 👌🏻👌🏻keep it up ji
Thank you Sire, but it's not to insult, just to inform. It was the Sir shudras who brought and patronized Brahmins and Vedic Hinduism. They gave importance to Brahmins, and called themselves as "Sir-Shudras".