Tomorrow, to Eradicate Gender Diff, will they Arrange Public Shanthi Muhurtham at EVR Thidal?
Last year on February 14, around 40 CRPF jawans lost their lives in Pulwama attack. This year people promote as Veer Jawan Day
This was the open question posed.
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This Thread is recreated, to serve as a Consolidated Knowledgebase.
EVR used his upper-caste old boys network to address numerous gatherings, many publications and propagated his lies and distortions just like Nazi Dravidians & PseudoTamil nationalists doing now. The indigenous side did not counter on simar scale
I think it might be the other way round. The upper caste old boys, Sir Shudras, used EVR, the ex-anda parambarai to do their job. This politics is "Dravidian" only in name. In reality, it is"Sir-Shudra" politics. The pallis, thevars, nadars came later
I also meant even the apolitical folks of his era. The Brahmin-NonBrahmin fissure (largely about political, economic space) existed when EVR arrived at the scene, he was in congress till 1925, later supported Justice Party but most did not agree with his atheism.
ஈவெரா - திமுக அறிவுபூர்வமாக மோத முடியவில்லை என்றால் , நாரச பேச்சுகளையும் மிருக வன்முறையையும் கையிலெடுப்பார்கள். அது ஒரு காரணம் அவன் வளர்வதற்கு.
தங்கள் கருத்தை வன்மையாக மறுக்கிறேன்🤣 ஈவெரா அறிவுப்பூர்வமாக எப்போ மோதினார்? எப்பவுமே ஆபாசம் தான்
One reason could be bcoz it was naicker , sir-shudra gang talking. They were the most influential and affluent people in the region in those times.Only the most powerful formed justice Party. Evr comes later.They had enormous influence & sway over uneducated ppl
EVR was running 'Self respect' movement in parallel.when Justice party was defeated & leaders ended up dead, he did a hostile take over of JP and named it as Dravidar Kazhagam. Lot of people bought his Aryan/Dravidian theory, even secular brahmins believed in AIT.
But most of these folks from JP did not buy his atheism. He even chided them openly. If EVR did not inherit his caste/class privilege from his family he would not have been as influential as he was. His primary motive was oppose/make people hate Brahmins
I think we are taking a lot of stuff that was done deliberately as a coincidence. And his atheism was a joke at best. True, others did not buy it. Nobody other than DK black shirt FTE (full-time employees) bought it. All followed him blindly because of his caste

Ha ha. But the magic pipe is not atheism. The magic pipe is the fact that he was the ex-aanda parambarai. That's why ppl have importance to whatever he said. remember, at that time, awareness c edu were very low. All educated and powerful ppl were with JP.

Your analogy sounds appropriate;
Mine was superficial.
Too young to have seen Dravida stuff in action. Need to get the details. Whatever you say sounds logical; the data should match
Appreciate that you take time to write this.
since morning both blast சரவெடி. enjoyed. 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻
@naturaize : To be honest & fair, the real Knowledge is flowing from Vignesh ji. mine was a trigger; like initial neutron in Chain reaction..!
@Vignesh95745892 :Thank you. I have been saying these things on Twitter.
He was from ex-anda parambarai of TN.(அதனால் தான் அவர் பெரியார்)
@RangarajPandeyR @SwarajyaMag @SaalanPaari @sgurumurthy
But the atheism had a reason. From atheism, he would go on to say கடவுளின் பெயரால் கொண்டு வரப்பட்ட சாதி!! Thats d reason for the atheism
தலையில்,காலில் பிறப்பது அபத்தம் னு எப்படி இவங்க சொல்றாங்களோ,அதே போல ரிக் வேதத்திலிரிந்து சாதி பிறந்தது என்று சொல்வது மஹா அபத்தம்
This is a much much bigger scam, and Periyar is only 30%. Remember I said how DMK/Periyar's anti-hinduness is actually just Sir-Shudra's hatred for brahmins. Around this ugly hatred, they wove anti-caste,anti-hindu veils, just to mask the ugliness
They will say their Anti-God, Anti-Hinduism is to be anti-caste. But they r not really even anti-caste. Caste doesn't "flow" from anywhere. Hinduism scriptures did not &cannot "create" caste. See Ambedkar 1916 thesis pg21 @sumanthraman @beemji @stalinrajangam

So, at the core of all of Dravidian politics is
"Sir" Shudras' hatred for Brahmins
Around this ugly hatred, they wrapped
-> anti-caste -> anti-hinduism -> anti-god
labels with non-existent causal chains as veils to cover ugly hatred.
EVR did the correlation knowing full well that it is incorrect. He wanted to obtain political power and being a slime he drooped to the lowest low.
Brainwashed masses are the ignorant fools.
This was a 100% deliberate propaganda. But the tunnel goes much much deeper than this. Read "politics and social conflict.." by Eugene irschick if you haven't. He used what way he could to instill hatred, and a lot of people didn't question his base at all.
In those days, edu and awareness were almost 0. The most powerful ppl were in JP and the politics is exactly theirs, "Sir-Shudra". But there is another angle to it too. You will get an idea if u read d book.