"Transformation is a different way of doing things.
"The emphasis is on quality, not quantity.
"We task our officers every year to do things better while finding savings."
He asks where residents can read assessments about the impact of transformation?
"No one gets any less than they are entitled to.
"What we are doing is finding new and better, joined-up ways of doing things."
He says: "I'm confident that our schools at all times will follow the advice available to keep our children safe and our families supported." #BracknellForest
This includes:
- Approving plans for food waste collection
- Selecting a contractor for the Heathlands care home redevelopment
-Giving the go-ahead to a 5-year school places strategy
He says the implementation will increase the borough's recycling rate and that residents have been asking for this service for a number of years.
Cllr Bettison says: "Nobody will be left alone if they have a problem".
Bit more info on concerns here
She says residents have told her they are worried about trucks jamming roads coming to collect rubbish.
He says: "In other words, over half of our budget goes towards supporting vulnerable people."
Capital spending has been scaled back to a "modest rate" because of this, Cllr Heydon adds.
The increase represents a payment of an additional £1 a week for the average taxpayer
She reads out one respondent's comment, which suggested the documents were "obtuse, vague and hard to understand." 18 people responded this year.
She says: "Shopmobility can not be allowed to fail." bracknellnews.co.uk/news/18227490.…
"Ditch the ideology and come with us in making the best use of resources."
He also says BFC will continue to support and help Shopmobility going forward. "I think it does have a future", he adds.
"That is a proud boast."
He points out council tax in Bracknell Forest is one of the lowest in the country for a council of its size.
"It has made have to think differently, so why shouldn't a council think differently."
"I really want everyone to join us and take these initiatives forward."
"We dropped the ideology and we put people first", he concludes.
Cllr D Birch says he is "very for" and Cllr Marc Brunel-Walker is "absolutely for." The three Labour councillors abstain.
The budget is approved.

Cllr Ingham says 326 have signed a petition asking for this provision.

The leader says he believes the authority will achieve carbon neutrality in years to come.
That's the end of the meeting - thanks for following!