"Seek Medical Advice if you have been in close contact with a person known to have COVID-19"
Here's the @CDCgov website stats on Tuberculosis, cdc.gov/tb/statistics/…
Why does this matter?
How was that figure derived? The news media called in to the 50 state health departments. Something the CDC doesn't seem to want to do.
The CDC says that you should seek out care "if you have been in close contact with a person known to have COVID-19"

@TheAtlantic did what the CDC once did: collected the data from primary sources, the 50 State health departments.
Nationally, 1,895 Americans have been tested according to @TheAtlantic

Does that mean you haven't been in close contact with a person known to have COVID-19? For a select few American's it's an easy answer. But for most of us, it's impossible to know.
But perhaps, that's not the objective of @CDCDirector's guidance?
But the hype over #coronavirus came about because this guidance is so vague (& specific - knowing 1 of 164 people)
Why they haven't performed at the same level thus far should concern all Americans & Congress.
We know how to impede a pandemic: will we trust the professionals to lead?