I watched Joe Rogan's podcast with Michael Osterholm, an internationally recognised expert in infectious disease epidemiology
Episode is 1hr 30mins long
To raise awareness about the #CoronavirusOutbreak here are the cliff notes from that episode
Just by breathing & sharing air you can infect or get infected
Which is why this coronavirus pandemic can be 10x worse than a bad seasonal flu year
It will primarily affect the older population with underlying health problems
Incubation period of the #coronavirus is 4 days
That means that someone may have become infected with the coronavirus but won't have symptoms for 4 days
But during this time that person is highly infectious
In China, only 2.1% of #coronavirus cases were under 19 years of age
They didn't get sick but they were infectious meaning that they could still infect others
For older people - the virus can be fatal
That said, there are many cases where 40 year olds have complications from the virus
Coronavirus is not just an old person's disease
With SARS people were infectious on day 6 so easy to quarantine them
COVID-19 people are infectious before they even have symptoms so they'll infect many people before they realise they're sick
Difficult to quarantine
Up to 10,000 times the amount compared to people with SARS
This is because the coronavirus develops in the nose rather than in the lungs
The nose is colder than the lungs
Just to compare
The Spanish Flu of 1918 had a 3.2% case fatality rate which preferentially impacted 18-25 year olds
Seasonal flu has a 0.1% fatality rate
#coronavirus could have a 2% mortality rate & will preferentially impact ages 65+
There are 153 drugs in the USA that people need right now otherwise they die
100% of them are generic, all of them are made off-shore in the USA with a large part made in China
It's not just about the virus itself being highly infectious and being a problem
It's also about the second- and third-order effects of the virus
38% of nurses in the USA have kids
Kids tend to not exhibit symptoms of the #coronavirus but can easily infect parents
If kids infect nurses unknowingly, then nurses will infect their patients in hospitals
Adverse impact on healthcare system
1/4 of the American population has no sick leave
If schools get closed, people don’t get paid
Adverse impact on these individuals
Very important to consider these second-order effects before rushing to close down schools
- Masks will help you
Not true unfortunately
If anything wear a mask to signal to someone else that you are sick
N91 masks are very effective but there is an extreme shortage in the public healthcare system because a lack of stockpiling
There is no evidence that a change in season to Summer will get rid of the disease
For example - another #coronavirus called MERS persisted in hot climates
Sitting in a sauna doesn’t cure infectious disease like flu or #coronavirus
It may make you feel better but there's no research to suggest it actually helps you get better
Hand sanitisers are great to combat against bacteria in general but there is no data to support that it will help combat the #coronavirus
There is no research data to support that not touching your face will stop the spread of the #coronavirus
However you should still wash your hands and use hand sanitiser to protect from other bacteria
It is highly infectious and it will be difficult to avoid getting infected
After all, if people can get infected just by breathing and sharing air then this disease truly is like fighting with the wind
- Limit close contact with others
- Avoid crowded, public areas
- Staying at home can help but is not an option for many working people. If work from home is an option - go for it
- Eat well
- Sleep well
- Exercise often
- If you have underlying health conditions don’t miss your prescribed drugs
Here's the full episode if you'd like to listen to it in its entirety
It is well worth your time
#CoronaVirusUpdate #CoronavirusOutbreak