1) Don't eat your snacks straight from the packet. Put them in a little bowl. Keep refilling the bowl until the packet is empty. Have some dignity!
2) Celebrate your domestic achievements with short naps.
3) Try not to touch yourself constantly.
5) Dance on the laundry and let nature take its course.
6) Try not to touch yourself constantly.
8) Doorbells need electricity to work and should be disconnected. Do it now.
9) Try not to touch yourself constantly.
11) Use toothpaste to write reminders to yourself on the bathroom mirror.
12) Stare at yourself in the mirror.
13) Talk like a bandit.
15) Check if any snacks have magically materialised in the cupboard.
16) Console yourself with a short nap.
17) Stop touching yourself.
(See No. 1 for an handy snack-hack.)

26. When venturing outdoors to replenish your booze and snacks, don't forget to put on a dressing gown and slippers.
30. If you get caught, tell them you are a writer and offer to tell them about one of your books. After approximately 30 seconds, they will withdraw and slam the door in your face.
a) You are my child;
b) You are dying and I am your only hope;
c) We regularly spend time in bed together.
Thank you.