I think the pandemic is awful for people with depression and anxiety in a way that is somewhat different than how the normies experience it.
Folks like us have always gone through the world fearing that something murderous is just around the corner and now: hello!
And now the vague fears are the reality. And "I KNEW it!" is no consolation.
It would be nice if getting it right brought us consolation but instead it's just a double helping of the bad thought patterns.
All this terror and anxiety and self-doubt you're feeling about what to do and what will happen?
That's us ALL THE TIME. Sucks, right?
Go heavy on information, go light on imagination.
Please remember that your Facebook, your Twitter, are often the ids of other people. And they're often a bending of information to fit the point of view of the people posting. Be wary!
Don't go off your meds. You're helping no one that way. Stay with them. If you exercised before this, stay with that. No need to switch to decathlon training either, just do the things that worked for you in the past. Have your therapy sessions.