1. There is no vaccine yet
2. Gargling salt water will NOT prevent infection with the 2019 Coronavirus
3. It was NOT created in the lab
4. Black people are not immune as you can see
5. Chloroquine has not been approved as a cure
7. Getting goods from China will not give you the virus.
8. The hot weather does not protect against the 2019 Coronavirus
9. Washing your hands can prevent you from getting it
11. Smoking cigarettes can reduce your immune system
12. Some common symptoms are
. A dry cough
. Fever
. Weakness. Symptoms show within 2 to 14 days
13. About 80% of people will recover without needing special treatment
15. Isolating yourself from other people has been shown to reduce the spread of this new virus
16. Your eyes, nose and mouth are entrances, touching them with your hands can get you infected
18. Standard face masks has not been shown to protect people from getting the virus, if you're sick or coughing, you should wear one to protect others.