- training HCWs
- expanding testing
- increasing ability to trace contacts
- preparing facilities to isolate patients
- developing plan to quarantine contacts
“They should believe that this thing is in their hands. They can do something to stop it as early as possible.” But appeals to global solidarity too.
@drtedros goes back to the recommendations he made earlier on what should be done.
I think we squandered the first window of opportunity.” Says there is now a second window of opportunity on #covid19 and it should not be squandered as well.
"Without implementing necessary measures it is going to be very difficult for countries to exit, and if they do, they may see a resurgence", says @DrMikeRyan
@DrMikeRyan: "I think you'd have to say that all elements of the supply chain for many many products are under strain at the moment.” rubber for rubber gloves produced in a small number of countries, for instance.
@DrTedros says one WHO recommendation is "all of government approach and head of state taking responsibility”. Says that's what Trump is doing. (Kind of ironic given Trump’s quote on not taking resp)